] IRS polls suggest that the share of Americans who think ] it is acceptable to cheat has risen from 11 percent in ] 1999 to 17 percent in 2003. At the same time, the IRS has ] been starved of the resources it needs to go after ] evaders. [ This is nonetheless a serious problem that must be addressed. Certainly, making it easier to file taxes, such as with eFile and simplifying some regulations can go a long way towards increasing people's participation, but the apparent decline in people's willingness to pay their share is troubling. The article suggests that part of the reason for this stems from our leaders demonizing taxation. To be honest, I can't disagree... for many people, the "taxes are bad" rhetoric sinks in to a subconcious level and they start feeling like it's ok for them to cheat. I don't think that's the whole story, certainly... few things have a single explanation. At any rate, I'd like to see the administration come out on this issue, but taxes are such a political landmine, I imagine they'll let the IRS keep bitching and stay far away from it. -k] Taxes and 'Terror' (washingtonpost.com) |