Upset that the maverick run of Republican Presidential candidate (and incumbent President) George W. Bush could lead to a victory by John Kerry, Ralph Nader called upon Bush to cease splitting the anti-Kerry vote and drop out of the race. I like Nader. [ Me too. Just not enough to vote for him again. Not more than I dislike Bush. I'm not naive enough anymore to believe that principle is the only thing i should use to guide my choices. Voting for the best (most like me in principle), and ending up with the worst (Bush) is *not* better than voting for second best and getting it. No one will ever successfully use the "The lesser of two evil's is still evil," argument on me again -- it may be true, but it's a poor way to choose a president. "Less evil" wins over "Not evil but not really a competitor" from now on. Now that I've ranted, i'm going with that story being a joke, what with the dateline, and the fact that the links within it are to counterstrike servers and CBS Sportsline and so on. What's scary is that it actually sounds like something Nader would say. -k] Plastic: Nader Calls Upon Bush To Leave Presidential Race |