National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications Havaria Emergency and Disaster Information Services Budapest Hungary
Well, here is one for your bookmark list. A website in Hungary that keeps an up to date map of the biggest disasters currently occuring everywhere on the planet. Its a death and destruction information console! [ Anyone else think this would be perfect for a new Wii channel, just like the Weather and News channels? :) I only have one gripe, and that's their iconography. It sucks. I thought there had been a nuclear/radiological event in Quebec, but it turns out that the tripartite nuclear symbol in an orange box means "epidemic hazard" rather than, you know, what it should mean. If the box had been green, then it would have been a biological/bioterror situation. Presumably they know about the actual biohazard symbol in hungary (it's there to the right...)? They need to work on the icons, but otherwise it's pretty much the awesomest thing i've seen this week. -k] RSOE HAVARIA Emergency and Disaster Information Service |