Adam said : The Reverend Jerry Falwell, a leading US conservative evangelist, has died in hospital in Virginia after being found unconscious in his office.
assumming their is a God, which I don't believe but for the purposes of this just suppose, then I would love to have seen Falwell's reaction when he was sent to Hell for being a self-righteous bigot and in violation of everything Jesus said about the meek, humility, praying quietly at the back of the church, the widow's mite and money and wealth in general, casting the first stone, judge not lest ye be judged (well indeed i'm now in violation of that precept but i've tried to live by it not spent my life flagrantly flouting it).
That "judge not" line has always been one of the hardest for me to follow... there's a difference, I think, between making an assessment of someone and passing judgement, insofar as one is final and one leaves room for revision, at least intellectually. But some people you really do know pretty well, because they're public figures, and their deeds are likewise public. So in this case, I'll feel free to judge : Falwell deserves a measure of the pain he's inflicted in his life of falsity and hate. A heaping measure. I'm still on the fence about wether there's any one or any thing out there providing it right now, but that's unknowable... BBC NEWS | World | Americas | US evangelist Jerry Falwell dies |