NEW YORK (AP) -- By the year 2030, New York City could have so many people straining its infrastructure that it won't have enough electricity or housing to meet demand, and rush hour traffic will last all day. ...
Atlanta can't be too far behind...we don't have any natural boundaries, but it seems traffic is terrible in midtown all the time and we don't hardly have a mass transit system to update. -janelane, the choir [ That's true, but at the same time, not having much of a transit system should theoretically mean we don't have a lot of inertia holding us back. What's holding atlanta back is asshole suburbanites who see public transit as a gift to the poor and who do everything they can to keep their money out in the burbs. It means nice big houses out there, but the city itself will be bankrupt before long if the trend continues. I seriously think atlanta is fucked. Not because it's not possible to create a true modern urban environment here, but because the people here don't seem to get what that means or want it even if they do understand. -k] New York faces all-day rush hour by 2030 - |