10. Managers at Anti-Terrorism agencies sometimes accidentally leave the firewall open. 9. Former terrorist masterminds are cool as long as they agree to talk politics. 8. The President is likely to beleive anything a terrorist underling promises him during a crisis. 7. You should kill any Indians who live in your neighborhood with your bare hands because they might be terrorists. 6. CTU watches Fox news on every available TV because its the best source for raw, balanced information. 5. Lawyers nittering about civil liberties are just getting in the way. 4. Detention camps work! 3. Los Angeles has ticket collectors on the subway. 2. Jack Bauer tearing off a man's jugular with his teeth is the new black. 1. Cloe is dating Rush Limbaugh!
[ Ha! Regarding number 2, did everyone else find it a strikingly perfect homage to Mr. Sutherland's earlier work? I fully expect to hear him say "Yen, I used to ride with the dirty underwear gang out of Liberty, Missouri" in a later episode, or maybe, "I'm a school teacher from New York!" -k]
Some recent audio/video projects that use generative processes to yield surprising results. "Temporide" does a pixel-by-pixel delay on a video, showing many time lapses simultaneously. Spectral splicing, morphing, and reconstitution creates new audio based out of what you feed it. And "Ghost Jockey" generates a continuous stream of mashup audio and video.
In this talk, I will present my work on sound source separation with applications for music. Music is repetitious in nature and this repetition actually informs the source separation process.
DorkBot! In Atlanta! On Thursday! Who is with me!?
I'm very curious about that... I've long been interested in sound source separation, though I never did anything about it, thus proving that success only marginally has anything to do with inspiration. Lots of smart people think the same thought, but only one or two sack up and do anything about it.
I read the entire 9 part story and it's quite something. I guess if you've been close to an addict, nothing here is too surprising, but it was fascinating to me because of the people involved.
The character of Jason Mewes was striking -- on the one hand a serious addict and on the other, an actor with the werewithal to memorize not just his lines, but every line from every character in the movie (Dogma) before the table readings, just to be really sure he wouldn't fuck up.
Anyway, if you've any attachment to the films at all, i think it's required reading.
THE MONSTER ENGINE - What if a kid's imagination....was better represented?
Topic: Arts
10:37 am EST, Mar 17, 2006
This guy really is good at what he does. Kid's draw pictures of their 'monsters' and super-heros, and he takes those pictures, and paints them realistically, all the while leaving the basic lines and scope of the drawings.
My son really enjoyed this site, as did I. It is very interesting!
After a year in the making... researching, number crunching, layouts, stock gathering, and lots of procrastinating, i am proud to say it is finally done.
the SUPERDEVIATION, or "spot" as it was known to some, comes now with the final title.
Death and Taxes: A visual look at where your tax dollars go.
This visualization is very interesting. There is a deliberate attempt to remove social security and medicare from the picture here. I wish they were added back in. I also wish this kind of visualization was available for every budget year.
Very cool generative, fractal, rule-based and algorythmic web art.
[ His earlier (?) work is also available at complexification.net, as well as some prints you can purchase. Personally, I really wish he offered a print of "substrate". I think it's wonderful to look at. -k]