In theory, maturity means your musical tastes also get a tune-up. In reality, this may not apply if you possess an iPod. Only now do I realise that while I have been downloading songs, I have been unloading my dignity, a song at a time. Years of buying music-snob CDs have given way to an unending string of boppy pop to accompany me around Safeway. Maybe it's because iTunes makes it easy to binge-buy or download songs as singles. Or maybe it's simply that there's no incriminating CD jewel box to clutter my shelves. In setting up my own Blockbusters, I was putting together a wish list of films I should watch and books I should read; a self-improving stack to stave off the faintest possibility of future boredom. But of course time is finite, so unlimited choice is pointless. In fact our lives need editing, not expanding, or they become like satellite TV; hundreds of stations, yet you still have nothing worth watching. Musings on Music |