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Current Topic: Current Events 'Red alert' means New Jerseyans may not leave their homes
Topic: Current Events 9:51 am EST, Mar 19, 2003

] If the nation escalates to "red alert," which is the
] highest in the color-coded readiness against terror, you
] will be assumed by authorities to be the enemy if you so
] much as venture outside your home, the state's
] anti-terror czar says. 'Red alert' means New Jerseyans may not leave their homes

Standoff continues with man in tractor near Washington Monument
Topic: Current Events 9:03 am EST, Mar 19, 2003

] A tobacco farmer claiming to have explosives held more
] than 100 police at bay from his partially submerged
] tractor Tuesday, paralyzing traffic and rattling nerves
] in a city already on heightened alert for terrorist
] threats and war with Iraq.

Why haven't we heard too much about this guy??

Standoff continues with man in tractor near Washington Monument

Salt Lake City Girl Is Found 9 Months After Kidnapping
Topic: Current Events 8:46 am EST, Mar 13, 2003

] Elizabeth Smart was home tonight with her family, more
] than nine months after she was abducted from her bedroom
] in the middle of the night.

Yay, finally we see some good news on the front page!

Salt Lake City Girl Is Found 9 Months After Kidnapping

Sources: Egyptian gets $27 million for Mohammed's arrest tip
Topic: Current Events 4:32 pm EST, Mar 12, 2003

] An Egyptian radical will get $27 million as a reward for
] giving the United States information that led authorities
] to alleged September 11, 2001, mastermind Khalid Shaikh
] Mohammed, government sources said Wednesday.
] The sources, confirming a story previously reported in a
] British paper and in Newsweek, said the unnamed Egyptian
] was captured during a raid in Quetta, Pakistan, last
] month. The Egyptian was described as an al Qaeda foot
] soldier.
] Officials said he not only claimed the $25 million award
] that was being offered by the U.S. government for
] information that led to Mohammed's arrest, but also
] demanded $2 million more to help cover the costs of his
] family moving to Great Britain. He is being paid the
] money, the sources said.

Are we now -funding- potential terrorists?!?!

Sources: Egyptian gets $27 million for Mohammed's arrest tip

Newsweek: No War Shirt? No problem
Topic: Current Events 10:12 am EST, Mar 11, 2003

] I couldn't get arrested. I went to a shopping mall
] this weekend wearing a T-shirt that said "Peace on
] Earth" on it, and, can you believe it, I didn't
] get hauled off to jail. Not like the guy in upstate New
] York who got arrested - handcuffed, even - for walking
] around a shopping mall last week with a T-shirt bearing
] the same inflammatory anti-war slogan.

Newsweek: No War Shirt? No problem

Man Arrested for Wearing Peace T-Shirt
Topic: Current Events 10:08 am EST, Mar  5, 2003

] A man was charged with trespassing in a mall after he
] refused to take off a T-shirt that said "Peace on Earth"
] and "Give peace a chance."
] Mall security approached Stephen Downs, 61, and his
] 31-year-old son, Roger, on Monday night after they were
] spotted wearing the T-shirts at Crossgates Mall in a
] suburb of Albany, the men said.

My sister sent me this link also, since it's "her" mall. She said she wants to do the same thing. She won't stop talking about it. I think she should just do it.

Man Arrested for Wearing Peace T-Shirt

U.S. plan: Threat level for every flyer
Topic: Current Events 8:51 am EST, Feb 28, 2003

] CAPPS II will collect data and rate each passenger's risk
] potential according to a three-color system: green,
] yellow, red. When travelers check in, their names will be
] punched into the system and their boarding passes
] encrypted with the ranking. TSA screeners will check the
] passes at checkpoints.
] The vast majority of passengers will be rated green and
] won't be subjected to anything more than normal checks,
] while yellow will get extra screening and red won't fly.

U.S. plan: Threat level for every flyer

MEMRI: Terrorist Attack Within 10 Days?
Topic: Current Events 11:31 am EST, Feb 27, 2003

] "You, our brethren, be firm and keep the path and hide in
] waiting and prostration [as in prayer] for it is only a
] matter of a few days, a little more than ten or less
] until we hear the cry announcing to us the good tidings
] of Allah's victory [coming] by the hands of our brethren,
] the Jihad fighters. This is a serious matter and not a
] joke."
] 'The Operations Have Already Been Set and the Lions Have
] Taken their Positions'

MEMRI: Terrorist Attack Within 10 Days?

'Mister Rogers' dies at age 74
Topic: Current Events 9:25 am EST, Feb 27, 2003

] Television's "Mister Rogers," the cultural icon and
] kindly neighbor to generations of American children, died
] Thursday at the age of 74.

:(! He's Jesus' neighbor now.

'Mister Rogers' dies at age 74

Police: Snowball fight led to girl's shooting
Topic: Current Events 7:37 am EST, Feb 25, 2003

] A man whose daughter was hit with a snowball by a group
] of girls returned to the scene and opened fire with a
] gun, critically wounding a 10-year-old youngster, police
] said.

That's nice.

Police: Snowball fight led to girl's shooting

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