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Current Topic: Current Events - Bush: Hungary's democracy an example for Iraq - Jun 22, 2006
Topic: Current Events 2:24 pm EDT, Jun 22, 2006

"The lesson of the Hungarian experience is clear," Bush said in the courtyard of Buda Castle where he celebrated the coming 50th anniversary of Hungary's bloody revolt against communist rule. "Liberty can be delayed, but it cannot be denied," the president said. - Bush: Hungary's democracy an example for Iraq - Jun 22, 2006

Groton-based Sub Collides With Turkish Freighter
Topic: Current Events 8:09 pm EDT, Sep  6, 2005

The submarine USS Philadelphia collided with a Turkish freighter on Monday in the central Persian Gulf. Neither ship was damaged seriously and no one was injured, officials said.

The accident occurred about 2 a.m. local time while the Groton-based submarine was on the surface headed for Bahrain for a routine port call. The Turkish ship, the Yaso Aysen, was reportedly headed for the United Arab Emirates to take on cargo.

Navy sources said the collision is likely to be a career-killer for Cmdr. Steven M. Oxholm, the captain of the Philadelphia, because the large freighter should have been spotted by both radar and crew members on lookout duty.

Not a good year for submarines. See also: USS San Francisco.

Groton-based Sub Collides With Turkish Freighter

RE: FBI searches for Stoner - Metal Head - Islamic Terrorist
Topic: Current Events 9:40 pm EDT, May 27, 2004

Decius wrote:
] Dude, you're wanted by the FBI for connections to terrorism!
] Muslims aren't the bloodthirsty, barbaric terrorists that the
] news media and the televangelists talk about, you are!*

Oh my.. This is the winning quote:

In the meantime, I had become obsessed with demonic Heavy Metal music, something the rest of my family (as I now realize, rightfully so) was not happy with. My entire life was focused on expanding my music collection. I eschewed personal cleanliness and let my room reach an unbelievable state of disarray. My relationship with my parents became strained, although only intermittently so. I am sorry even as I write this.

Ahem.. :) Hear that America? Heavy Metal music leads to terrorism. Really. This is the proof we have been looking for. This is all because of mistakes during the 80's. Its all true. Great White got exactly what they had coming. Remember, that Walker character was into hip-hop. Clearly American culture is devoid of any morals. Shesh. Its all been downhill since disco.

Where is that fine line between a Metal Head growing a mp3 collection, and a terrorist plotting to destroy America? [u: likely answer: A pre-2001 trip to Afghanistan.] Were the Columbine kids terrorists waiting to happen? Will Metallica soon breakup like KMFDM did in the wake of the shootings? If apprehended with a sizable mp3 collection, will this lead to more RIAA lawsuits? Why are all the non-arab terrorists from California when New Jersey is similarly shaped? The answers to these questions and other's coming soon.. Stay tuned to this same terror channel, same terror time..

[I LOVE the demonic heavy metal music... I think I know some terrorists.... -jessica]

RE: FBI searches for Stoner - Metal Head - Islamic Terrorist

RE: The Political Compass
Topic: Current Events 8:02 pm EST, Mar 17, 2004

Elonka wrote:
] IconoclasT wrote:
] ] Elonka wrote:
] ] ] In terms of calculations, it rated me as more
] ] ] liberal/libertarian than I think I am (especially in
] ] ] comparison to most of the members of Memestreams *grin*),
] ] but
] ] ] I still found the questions interesting.
] ]
] ] Apparently I really am a middle wing extremist after all. I
] ] may even be Tony Blair's long lost illegitimate lovechild.
] ]
] ] Your political compass
] ]
] ] Economic Left/Right: 0.62
] ] Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.13
] Wow, I'm jealous. I came out as about -3/-3, which I figured
] would place me at the Far Right of Memestreams. Now I feel so
] much more... Centrist. :)

I'm at:
Economic Left/Right: -6.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.74

I'm right around where Ghandi scored. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

RE: The Political Compass

The Political Compass
Topic: Current Events 10:03 pm EST, Mar 16, 2004

] After you've responded to the following propositions during the
] next 3-5 minutes, all will be explained. In each instance,
] you're asked to choose the response that best describes your
] feeling: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree or Strongly Agree.
] At the end of the test, you'll be given the compass, with your
] own special position on it.

My sister was graphing out all of her circle of friends' results for this one... it was a very interesting graph, with interesting results. Maybe we could try that here... take the test, report our results, and plot it on the graph...

The Political Compass

Jury awards Alabama $11.8B in a suit against Exxon Mobil - Nov. 14, 2003
Topic: Current Events 3:37 pm EST, Nov 14, 2003

] NEW YORK (Reuters) - An Alabama jury Friday awarded the
] state $11.8 billion in a lawsuit against Exxon Mobil
] Corp. over royalties for offshore natural gas leases, an
] Exxon spokesman said.

What the hell would Alabama do with all that money?!

Jury awards Alabama $11.8B in a suit against Exxon Mobil - Nov. 14, 2003

3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference
Topic: Current Events 1:18 pm EST, Nov 13, 2003

] "This conference is an investment in your future. Learn
] to take advantage of modern technology, and make a great
] deal of money with very little effort. If you have any
] question, please contact me and I will send you a
] proposal that may be of interest to you. I await your
] response by return while assuring you that the
] transaction is absolutely risk free."
] - Dr. Collins Mbadiwe

This is awesome.

3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference

Special Report: IEEE says I told you so (re: the grid)
Topic: Current Events 8:28 am EDT, Aug 27, 2003

] Power engineers, IEEE members, and
] the Spectrum reporters and editors
] who cover power and energy have been sounding the alarm
] about grid problems and potential
] cascading failures for nearly a
] decade. What follows is a compendium of feature articles,
] news reports, and essays that have
] appeared in IEEE Spectrum magazine
] about previous power outages, grid reliability and
] security, and electric power policy.

If you are interested in the grid failure, everything you need to know is here.

Special Report: IEEE says I told you so (re: the grid)

U.S. to Send Iraqis to Site in Hungary for Police Course
Topic: Current Events 7:35 am EDT, Aug 25, 2003

] BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 24 - Eager to have more Iraqis
] take responsibility for their country's security,
] American officials here are planning to ferry as many as
] 28,000 Iraqis to Eastern Europe for an intensive police
] training course.

I'm headed to Hungary in September... WHY HUNGARY?! Please tell me they will be gone by then.....

U.S. to Send Iraqis to Site in Hungary for Police Course

Factory Killer Had a Known History of Anger and Racial Taunts
Topic: Current Events 1:44 pm EDT, Jul 10, 2003

] Struggling for control of the gun, Mr. Williams finally
] pulled the trigger and blew a hole in Mr. Collier's hand.
] By today, Mr. Collier had been through three operations
] and lost two fingers, but doctors were trying to save his
] hand, said one of his 22 sisters and eight brothers, many
] of whom had driven down in a convoy from Tunica, Miss.,
] to take turns by his side.

Yes, the whole Lockheed-Martin guy going apeshit and killing his co-workers is shocking. It's also shocking that someone with that much racial hatred could just EXPLODE like that.

But not as shocking as this guy with THIRTY brothers and sisters!!! Jesus!!!!

Factory Killer Had a Known History of Anger and Racial Taunts

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