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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Woman collapses after N.Y. judge asks if she's a terrorist
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:22 am EDT, May 22, 2003

] TARRYTOWN, New York (AP) -- An Arab-American woman who
] was in court to fight a parking ticket fainted when the
] judge asked her if she was a terrorist.

Both tickets were dismissed. The judge (79 years old) should be dismissed as well.

Woman collapses after N.Y. judge asks if she's a terrorist

Buried Treasure (
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:08 am EDT, May 22, 2003

] It's nice down here, 220 feet below ground. It's dry and
] cool -- a springlike 60 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a
] breeze coming through the tunnels that smells like dust
] and something older than dust, the souls of the limestone
] miners, maybe, who began dynamiting this catacomb into
] existence 101 years ago.
] The only sound is a constant low thrumming, like the din
] of a ship's engine. There is a narrow roadway no wider
] than a country lane. A service van drives by, and then an
] electric golf cart. There are security guards, too,
] around every corner.
] "Keep it with you at all times," the guard at the gate
] had said, passing a fire extinguisher into the car as
] he'd waved me ahead toward a dim gray plaza, from which a
] maze of identical-looking gray tunnels snaked off in
] every direction.
] A fire extinguisher?
] Welcome to Iron Mountain, the largest commercially owned
] underground storage facility in the world. This is where
] Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, has deposited his huge
] and growing collection of historical photographs --
] approximately 11 million negatives, prints, slides -- a
] cache that represents a culturally significant chunk of
] the visual history of the 20th century.

Buried Treasure (

They needed a change of scenery. Trailer too boring.
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:48 am EDT, May 21, 2003

] MAY 19--Meet Brenda Orme and John Meyers. The Louisiana
] couple got nabbed last Friday when they tried to have sex
] atop a water tower more than 200 feet above the ground.
] Meyers, 44, told Slidell cops that he and Orme, 45,
] wanted to get busy "on top of the world." We know this
] thanks to the amusing press release work of Lt. Rob
] Callahan, whose handiwork can be found on the following
] pages. Along with his initial report on the bust, we've
] included Callahan's entertaining update, which includes a
] quip from his boss, Chief Freddy Drennan: "I guess this
] is the poor man's version of the 'mile high club.'"
] Meyers and Orme each face criminal trespass and
] disturbing the peace charges. (3 pages)

The pictures are the best part!

They needed a change of scenery. Trailer too boring.

Actor Robert Stack dies
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:20 pm EDT, May 15, 2003

] Actor Robert Stack, who played the Prohibition detective
] Eliot Ness in the 1960s TV series The Untouchables, died
] on Wednesday in his Los Angeles home aged 84.

No unsolved mystery here.. he just died of heart failure... :(

Actor Robert Stack dies

Tongue splitting latest piercing rage
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:34 am EDT, May 14, 2003

] "When I first saw it, I thought tongue-splitting was the
] most beautiful thing I've seen in my life," says James
] Keen, a 19-year-old from Scottsville, Kentucky, who got
] his tongue cut by a local body piercer in December after
] a surgeon declined to do it.


Tongue splitting latest piercing rage

New York's guide to entertainment, restaurants, nightlife and events | online
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:03 pm EDT, May 13, 2003

] Style is a personal thing, this is nothing new. But I've
] always found it fascinating how diverse opinions can be,
] especially in the same city, in a similar age range. One
] girl's turn-off may be another girls cat's meow.
] To determine if there were universal female gripes within
] NYC, I did some digging. A simple question to female
] friends and associates, "Is there something you see a guy
] wearing that turns you off, before you even know him?"
] turned into an endless barrage of answers. (You'll see
] that "shy" would not be the word to describe the
] participants.)
] But for now, here's what the girlies DON'T like:

There's a corresponding article for girls at

I find it amusing when there is a trend in modern society that most people don't find attractive or interesting, but it seems to be extremely popular nonetheless.

I read the article about womens' fashion and I am pleased to report that I believe that I am just perfect. (Actually so are most of the women I know.) How? I do not follow "fashion". Therefore I cannot commit any "fashion errors". Ha.

New York's guide to entertainment, restaurants, nightlife and events | online

Are We Grown Up Yet? Study Says Not 'Till 26
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:51 pm EDT, May  9, 2003

] CHICAGO (Reuters) - Most Americans believe someone isn't
] grown up until age 26, probably with a completed
] education, a full-time job, a family to support and
] financial independence, a survey said on Thursday.

I've got 17 days to complete my education, grow a family, and acheive financial independence, or I'll blow their theory...

Are We Grown Up Yet? Study Says Not 'Till 26

30 die as train hits tourist bus
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:44 am EDT, May  8, 2003

] BUDAPEST, Hungary -- At least 30 German tourists were
] killed when their bus was hit by a train, dragged along
] the tracks and sliced in two near the Hungarian resort of
] Lake Balaton, sources say.

Lake Balaton is beautiful. It's a shame something terrible happened there.

30 die as train hits tourist bus

'Old Man' pieces turn up on eBay
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:43 pm EDT, May  7, 2003

] The 700-ton natural formation was just a pile of rocks
] after breaking loose from its 1,200-foot-high
] mountainside perch sometime late last week.

I didn't know about that!!!!

'Old Man' pieces turn up on eBay

Rob's Amazing Poem Generator (Kathy, check this out....)
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:13 am EDT, May  6, 2003

] MemeStreams nbsp nbspUsing
] MemeStreams &
] net has been fun. ] ] Apparently,
] our domain
] not provide ]
] accurate contact
] information at this ] the
] stream of unanswered questions.
] about those laws, as and keep
] the free
] and interrogation took place raises serious
] questions about liberties 22:20: ]
] Well, folks been
] a
] 2004 campaign plan designed to
] the information linking the barrier
] for just anyone ]
] to inflict mass casualties against terrorism, 18:
] 45: Even as
] Loyalty Day. I
] was planning an answer
] What Do I also call upon all
] the dead us.of
] information that in
] Windows XP and the fight ] against terrorism, nbsp
] Fantasy
] Literature  Movies &
] nbspMusic Business  Tech Industry &
] nbspTelecom Industry nbsp &
] search .:. .:.

CmdrTaco has produced a enlightened peice of code..

Rob's Amazing Poem Generator (Kathy, check this out....)

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