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Recovery Turns Grim as Remains of Some Victims Are Found


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Recovery Turns Grim as Remains of Some Victims Are Found
Topic: Current Events 1:01 pm EST, Feb  3, 2003

] A gargantuan recovery effort turned increasingly grim
] today, as hundreds of officials, volunteers and
] homeowners combed the countryside of East Texas and
] western Louisiana, turning up remains of some of the
] astronauts aboard the space shuttle Columbia.

This article brought me back to the question that's been nagging at me ever since I was eight and a half years old and I saw the Challenger explosion.. did they ever find remains from the crew of the Challenger? If anyone knows, or finds an article about that, please let me know.

While on the subject, I remember years ago, having a conversation with a girl I worked with, we were talking about how our parents always told us the stories of where they were when numerous historical events took place (prime example: when they found out JFK was shot). We were saying how the only thing we could tell our kids is where we were/how we found out about the Challenger. A week after that conversation, Princess Diana died. I remember that, I remember when I found out that the Gulf War started, I remember Sept. 11, and now also the Columbia. I'm getting a bit tired of having things happen to tell my children about. But I guess that's part of growing up, and living history. I'm glad I was always curious about events around me, and I'm glad my mom made me watch all the coverage of the Challenger, and I'm glad she called me on Sept. 11 and told me to turn on the TV right after the first tower was hit, and I'm glad that ever since then, I put the news on first thing every morning. I'm glad I got up early on Saturday and saw everything.

Recovery Turns Grim as Remains of Some Victims Are Found

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