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Current Topic: Technology

JavaScript Scripting Guide for QuickTime: QuickTime DOM Events
Topic: Technology 3:29 pm EDT, Sep  2, 2008

Summary of DOM Events

QuickTime can emit DOM events when the plug-in is instantiated and ready to interact with JavaScript, at various points during a movie’s loading process, when playback has begun, paused, or ended, or in the event of an error. The following list shows the DOM events that can be listened for. Note that all QuickTime DOM events begin with the prefix “qt_” to prevent name space collisions.


JavaScript Scripting Guide for QuickTime: QuickTime DOM Events

MySpace Cofounder Tom Anderson Was A Real Life “WarGames” Hacker in 1980s
Topic: Technology 11:40 am EDT, Sep  2, 2008

Supporting documents are here. The LA Times article linked above and the Newsweek article talk about a friend of Anderson, a hacker named Bill Landreth, a published author for Microsoft Press on computer security issues. At Bill’s suggestion Anderson spoke with a literary agent and published books about computer security as well (we are trying to track them down).

Landreth was living with Anderson’s family and disappeared in September 1986 after leaving a suicide note. We haven’t been able to determine Landreth’s fate, although based on this article from 1991 he or someone with his name became a government agent investigating security crimes.

Frankly, my opinion of Tom Anderson just rose significantly. This was pretty hard core stuff in the 80s. Twenty years later he would go on to cofound what would become the largest site on the Internet.nullnull

MySpace Cofounder Tom Anderson Was A Real Life “WarGames” Hacker in 1980s

PhoneGap | Bridging the iPhone GAP
Topic: Technology 11:40 am EDT, Sep  2, 2008


PhoneGap is a free open source development tool and framework that allows web developers to take advantage of the powerful features in the iPhone SDK from HTML and JavaScript. We're trying to make iPhone app development easy and open. For many applications a web application is the way to but in Safari you don't get access to the native iPhone APIs, and the that's the problem we're trying to solve.

It is written in Objective-C and allows developers to embed their web app (HTML, JavaScript, CSS) in Webkit within a native iPhone app. We're big advocates of the Open Web and want JavaScript developers to be able to get access iPhone features such as a spring board icon, background processing, push, geo location, camera, local sqlLite and accelerometers without the burden of learning Objective-C and Cocoa.

PhoneGap also has a web app that allows web developers to quickly package their web app into a native iPhone app by providing a URL, a name and icon graphic the web service with automagically create a native iPhone application. We haven't open sourced that code but we're going to soon.

PhoneGap was conceived at iPhoneDevCamp II by Nitobi developer Brock Whitten, Rob Ellis, freelance designer Colin Toomey and Eric Oesterle.

PhoneGap | Bridging the iPhone GAP

Blip, Blip, iBlipper! - Blip Blog
Topic: Technology 11:33 am EDT, Sep  2, 2008

The alpha of iBlipper is out! It’s a web-app that uses rapid serial visual presentation to turn your iPhone into a handheld billboard.

Blip, Blip, iBlipper! - Blip Blog

CSS Tools: Reset CSS
Topic: Technology 6:34 pm EDT, Aug 29, 2008

CSS Tools: Reset CSS

The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on. The general reasoning behind this was discussed in a May 2007 post, if you're interested. Reset styles quite often appear in CSS frameworks, and the original "meyerweb reset" found its way into Blueprint, among others.

The reset styles given here are intentionally very generic. There isn't any default color or background set for the body element, for example. I don't particularly recommend that you just use this in its unaltered state in your own projects. It should be tweaked, edited, extended, and otherwise tuned to match your specific reset baseline. Fill in your preferred colors for the page, links, and so on.

In other words, this is a starting point, not a self-contained black box of no-touchiness.

If you want to use my reset styles, then feel free! It's all explicitly in the public domain (I have to formally say that or else people ask me about licensing). You can grab a copy of the file to use and tweak as fits you best. If you're more of the copy-and-paste type, or just want an in-page preview of what you'll be getting, here it is.

CSS Tools: Reset CSS

Implementing An N-Level Nested Tree In PHP And PostgreSQL, Part 1 - PHP articles and PHP tutorials - PHP 5, MySQL, PostgreSQL, AJAX, Web 2.0
Topic: Technology 3:02 pm EDT, Aug 28, 2008


This series of articles is about implementing a nested tree using PHP and PostgreSQL. The theory and code in these articles also applies to MySQL, not just PostgreSQL.

An N-Level nested tree is a way to represent hierarchical data, such as a list of directories and files in your operating system, or the listings in a directory such as the Open Directory Project. There can be any number of levels and any number of elements within each level.

The goal is to be able lookup data in the tree as quickly as possible with minimal strain on resources. We will be implementing this using the nested tree model by Joe Celko.

Implementing An N-Level Nested Tree In PHP And PostgreSQL, Part 1 - PHP articles and PHP tutorials - PHP 5, MySQL, PostgreSQL, AJAX, Web 2.0

Topic: Technology 3:00 pm EDT, Aug 28, 2008


The Shibboleth System is a standards based, open source software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources in a privacy-preserving manner.


CubeSat Kit Home
Topic: Technology 6:19 pm EDT, Aug 27, 2008

Think inside the box ...

Planning a CubeSat misson? Your first decisions might be the most critical.

Compared to traditional multi-million-dollar satellite missions, CubeSat projects have the potential to educate the participants and implement successful and useful missions in science and industry at much lower costs.

CubeSat payloads and experiments are often new and unique, and project timelines are typically 9-24 months from inception to launch. Since launch opportunties are scheduled well in advance, it's critically important that a CubeSat project adhere to its schedules and stay on time and under budget.

CubeSat missions still require considerable planning and many man-hours of work to maximize the chances for success. By employing as much standardization as possible you can concentrate on your project's mission-specific goals. By making use of as many off-the-shelf commercial and freely available tools and components in the construction of the nanosatellite, you'll save time and money.

Through its comprehensive and flexible hardware and software design, Pumpkin's space-proven CubeSat Kit will help achieve success in your CubeSat mission. The CubeSat Kit pricelist is available online for your budgetary considerations.

CubeSat Kit Home

Raphaël—JavaScript Library for vector graphics
Topic: Technology 1:57 pm EDT, Aug 27, 2008

Download and include raphael.js into your HTML page, then use it as simple as:

// Creates canvas 320 × 200 at 10, 50
var paper = Raphael(10, 50, 320, 200);
// Creates circle at x = 50, y = 40, with radius 10
var circle =, 40, 10);
// Sets the fill attribute of the circle to red (#f00)
circle.attr("fill", "#f00");
// Sets the stroke attribute of the circle to white (#fff)
circle.attr("stroke", "#fff");

Raphaël—JavaScript Library for vector graphics

ImageShack - Hosting :: emergencyplantu4.jpg
Topic: Technology 5:26 pm EDT, Aug 26, 2008


ImageShack - Hosting :: emergencyplantu4.jpg

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