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Current Topic: Local Information

Carl Vinson Institute of Government - Introduction to Law in Georgia, An: Fourth Edition
Topic: Local Information 6:33 pm EST, Nov 16, 2005

The only secondary school textbook that covers relevant Georgia and federal law. Discusses what law is and who makes it; how the law relates to young people in various areas; constitutional protections; and how the civil, criminal, and juvenile justice processes work. New chapter on immigration law. Extensive glossary puts legal terms into easy-to-understand language.

Carl Vinson Institute of Government - Introduction to Law in Georgia, An: Fourth Edition

Airtel Bangalore EGPRS Internet
Topic: Local Information 6:53 am EDT, Aug 24, 2005

On an EDGE network, Airtel Data Card enables connection to the Internet at data speeds up to 100 kbps using EDGE. In areas where EDGE services are not available the Airtel Data Card still enables reliable and secure data connections over GPRS.

Information on EGPRS from Airtel in Bangalore.

Airtel Bangalore EGPRS Internet

Restaurants in Bangalore
Topic: Local Information 6:52 am EDT, Aug 24, 2005

Bangalore is a paradise for those who love good food.The city offers a wide choice of cuisines, from the traditional to the exotic. You can try the simple but excellent fare offered at the several "idli" shops, and the numerous bakeries. For a hearty meal, the city is home to several restaurants serving anything from continental to Chinese cuisine.

Another Bangalore restaurant guide.

Restaurants in Bangalore

Eat Out- Bangalore Business -
Topic: Local Information 6:51 am EDT, Aug 24, 2005

It is all ready to come and munch. Bangalore has its own stand when it comes to serving- epicure cuisine, calm cafes, and trendy pubs. Bangalore is a cosmopolitan city and a home to people from all parts of the country. So it implies to the kind of eat outs too, going hand in hand with the fast growing pace of the cosmopolitan city. In the last five years Bangalore has witnessed the tremendous explosion in fine dining, ethnic eateries and nightclubs. These places have served more then just a place of dine and wine-relaxing, partying and also for the meetings with clients.

Bangalore restaurant list.

Eat Out- Bangalore Business -

Train information - Planes, Trains, and Automobiles - India Travel Forum
Topic: Local Information 6:00 am EDT, Jun  4, 2005

How to get from anywhere to anywhere, on a train in India. Good thread. They keep it updated. Indiamike is also a good board, albeit Nazi-modded.

Train information - Planes, Trains, and Automobiles - India Travel Forum

Dectaur Yellow Bikes
Topic: Local Information 9:10 pm EST, Jan 22, 2005

] You can adopt a bike by coming by our headquarters during
] a work session, picking out a bike and paying a $25
] refundable deposit. You may keep the bike as long as you
] wish and return it for repair or exchange if you have a
] problem.

Initially, it was exactly GTA: they just left yellow bikes around in bike racks unlocked. You took one, rode it to your destination, and left it at a rack when you were done. Now they only do adoptions, though.

Very good bikes available. Very nice people. Cute kittens and dogs that play in and out of the piles of equipment. Work sessions on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings. T

These people are great. Just a kick ass bunch of people.

A related project is the Sopo Bicycle Cooperative (name may change tomorrow). A bunch of people getting together to pool resources to fix bikes, rehab old bikes and get them to kids/people, do bike advocacy, etc. Actually, there's a meeting tomorrow night in Reynoldstown if anyone is interested:

Dectaur Yellow Bikes

Several events are expected to bring tens of thousands of people into the city this weekend and could make for a traffic nightmare.
Topic: Local Information 1:44 pm EST, Jan 13, 2005

Several events are expected to bring tens of thousands of people into the city this weekend and could make for a traffic nightmare.

The main event is the Falcons’ playoff game with St. Louis and over 70,000 will pack the Georgia Dome. Meanwhile, next door, some 40,000 people are expected at the Atlanta Boat Show.

It is also the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend and lastly, there is a huge show scheduled at the merchandise mart.

--Prime MILF hunting time at downtown convention bars.

Several events are expected to bring tens of thousands of people into the city this weekend and could make for a traffic nightmare.

Sopo Bike Co-Op
Topic: Local Information 2:55 am EST, Dec 20, 2004

We just had our first meeting, to establish an Atlanta Bike Cooperative. "Sopo" for "South of Ponce," but the name may change. The idea is to have a group space where people can work on bikes. We salvage old bikes and make them good again and give them to people, etc. This core community then works to advance bike advocacy, safety, on and on. Its a very progressive, active crowd. Looks like its gonna happen.

Get out of your god damned car! Get on a bike! We can help!

Sopo Bike Co-Op

The Next American City: East Atlanta
Topic: Local Information 10:12 pm EST, Nov 15, 2004

] Too many damn dogs,%u201D Lucky Chuckie
] says. %u201CMore dogs than we ever had.%u201D A lifetime
] resident of East Atlanta, Chuckie is describing one of
] the changes he has observed as his neighborhood has
] become Atlanta%u2019s trendiest. %u201CWe,%u201D in his
] mind, are the old-timers%u2014mostly African-American
] homeowners who lived through East Atlanta%u2019s
] startling transformation over the past four decades.
] %u201CThey%u201D are the newcomer dog-owners%u2014yuppies
] and families who are changing the neighborhood they now
] share with the old-timers. The %u201Cus%u201D and
] %u201Cthem%u201D language he uses is a sure and subtle
] indicator of the state of East Atlanta: the first stages
] of gentrification.

The Next American City: East Atlanta

Please nuke my city and every dirty car driving SOB in it.
Topic: Local Information 10:37 pm EDT, Oct 20, 2004

] I take a right down North Avenue, and as it is a steep
] hill, I am going about 30mph as I approach the
] intersection of Courtland and North. A car pulls out in
] front of me without seeing me. It is scary. I slam on the
] brakes, and then continue to coast through the
] intersection. The car behind that one decides that he can
] make it, because he does not see me, because he is not
] looking for a bike, and comes within three feet of
] T-boning me before he slams on the brakes.
] Two lights up, a winnebago is tailgaiting me about 10
] feet behind me, and honks. I dutifully give him the
] finger over my right shoulder. An Atlanta PD car
] immediately pulls up beside me, and yells not to do that.
] I yell sorry back. I decide that he does not notice the
] "**** the Republican Party" sticker across the front of
] my green army helmet.

Atlanta is the WORST city to bicycle in, in America. All those angry hour long commuters rushing to escape the city to their racially pure suburbs really don't "have time" for a bicycle to share the road with them. Most suburbanites aren't even aware that you have all the legal rights in the street that they do.

I swear to god, after today I'd almost like to pack heat when I go out on my bike... if this wouldn't garuantee that I'd flip out and pop some caps in the tires of offending cars.

If you drive regularly in the city of Atlanta when you do not have to, I just want to extend a warm FUCK YOU. Jello had a bad day.

I'm not gonna ride for distance in the daytime anymore. Its only safe after 8-9pm.

Please nuke my city and every dirty car driving SOB in it.

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