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Washington Post.Com: 'Welcome to North Korea': A Surreal, Sad Game of Charades
Topic: Current Events 6:08 am EST, Mar 21, 2003

] Dutch journalist Peter Tetteroo aims his camera out the
] window of his hotel room in Pyongyang to film a
] policewoman directing traffic. She's in constant motion,
] gesturing to vehicles coming from one direction, then
] pivoting crisply and signaling to vehicles coming from
] another direction.
] It all looks perfectly normal, except for one thing:
] There's no traffic. North Korea doesn't have very many
] cars, and none of them happens to be driving by. The
] policewoman's choreography is all a surreal charade.

Washington Post.Com: 'Welcome to North Korea': A Surreal, Sad Game of Charades

U.S. Reaps New Data On Weapons (
Topic: Current Events 6:03 am EST, Mar 21, 2003

] The U.S. government has obtained potentially valuable new
] information on Iraq's biological and chemical weapons
] programs in recent days from scientists and intelligence
] agents confronted outside Iraq with threats that failure
] to cooperate could mean unpleasant consequences when
] Baghdad falls, according to two U.S. officials with
] direct knowledge of the effort.
] In a top-secret adjunct to an openly reported diplomatic
] initiative, U.S. and allied intelligence services
] summoned scores of Iraqi operatives in foreign capitals
] to present a stark choice. They were told "they could
] either 'turn,' " said one official, using an expression
] for switching sides, or be expelled back to Iraq "to
] enjoy your very short stay in Baghdad."

U.S. Reaps New Data On Weapons (

United Press International: Top White House anti-terror boss resigns
Topic: Current Events 5:40 am EST, Mar 21, 2003

] "This is a very intriguing decision (by Beers)," said
] author and intelligence expert James Bamford. "There is a
] predominant belief in the intelligence community that an
] invasion of Iraq will cause more terrorism than it will
] prevent. There is also a tremendous amount of
] embarrassment by intelligence professionals that there
] have been so many lies out of the administration -- by
] the president, (Vice President Dick) Cheney and
] (Secretary of State Colin) Powell -- over Iraq."

United Press International: Top White House anti-terror boss resigns

[IP] Stratfor Weekly: Beyond the Iraq Campaign
Topic: Current Events 5:28 am EST, Mar 21, 2003

] Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and so
] forth -- cannot simply be

[IP] Stratfor Weekly: Beyond the Iraq Campaign

Atlanta FreeNet - Improving life in Metro Atlanta via Wi-Fi and Beyond
Topic: Local Information 5:42 pm EST, Mar 18, 2003

]The Atlanta FreeNet is improving life in Metro Atlanta via Wi-Fi
]and beyond.

Cool 802.11b community network. Not enough nodes as of yet, but I will definitely be adding one at the corner of Ralph McGill and Courtland when I go back to Atlanta ;)

Atlanta FreeNet - Improving life in Metro Atlanta via Wi-Fi and Beyond

Projects: Latent Semantic Indexing
Topic: Technology 2:21 pm EST, Mar 18, 2003

]Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is a promising information
]retrieval technique for searching and organizing large data
]collections. LSI finds patterns in unstructured data (documents
]without descriptors such as keywords or special semantic
]tagging), and can return relevant results for a query even when
]there is no keyword match.

]Data collections don't have to be in English, or even in any
]human language at all. We have had good success in searching
]protein databases with the technique, as well as chemical mass

Page explaining Latent Semantic Indexing, a cool search dealey.

Projects: Latent Semantic Indexing

ei: Photo story: Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:19 pm EST, Mar 17, 2003

] The girl, Rachel Corey [sic], 23 years old from the state
] of Washington, was killed while she was trying to prevent
] Israeli army bulldozers from destroying a Palestinian
] home.

Israel ought to have more class than this in their ruthless oppression. Even the tank in Tiananmen square tried to go around the guy with the briefcase... before they shot him minutes later.

ei: Photo story: Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist

Bush's Deep Reasons for War on Iraq: Oil, Petrodollars, and the OPEC Euro question
Topic: Current Events 9:12 pm EST, Mar 17, 2003

]The chief reason why dollars are more than pieces of green paper
]is that countries all over the world need them for purchases,
]principally of oil. This requires them in addition to maintain
]dollar reserves to protect their own currency; and these
]reserves, when invested, help maintain the current high levels of
]the US securities markets.

]...the need to dominate oil from Iraq is also deeply intertwined
]with the defense of the dollar. Its current strength is supported
]by OPEC's requirement (secured by a secret agreement between the
]US and Saudi Arabia) that all OPEC oil sales be denominated in
]dollars. This requirement is currently threatened by the desire
]of some OPEC countries to allow OPEC oil sales to be paid in

Interesting... long but good. I just wish I knew enough about
macroeconomics to critique his essay.

Bush's Deep Reasons for War on Iraq: Oil, Petrodollars, and the OPEC Euro question

Okay Saddam, here's the plan...
Topic: Current Events 5:48 pm EST, Mar 17, 2003

A fairly detailed description of strategy that will be unleashed in about 3 days.

Okay Saddam, here's the plan...

Study: Male sweat brightens women's moods
Topic: Science 3:10 pm EST, Mar 17, 2003

] In a study to be published in the journal Biology of
] Reproduction, researchers collected samples from the
] underarms of men who refrained from using deodorant for
] four weeks. The extracts were then blended and applied to
] the upper lips of 18 women, aged 25 to 45.
] The women rated their moods on a fixed scale for a period
] of six hours. The findings suggested something in the
] perspiration brightened their moods and helped them feel
] less tense. Blood analyses also showed a rise in levels
] of the reproductive luteinizing hormone that typically
] surge before ovulation.

I just KNEW those women at the gym that looked at me like, "Is that big guy doing sprints on the treadmill gonna have a heart attack?", were actually thinking, "Lets copulate."

Study: Male sweat brightens women's moods

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