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Topic: Science |
6:10 am EST, Nov 18, 2004 |
] If you don't try to hold your breath, exposure to space ] for half a minute or so is unlikely to produce permanent ] injury. Holding your breath is likely to damage your ] lungs, something scuba divers have to watch out for when ] ascending, and you'll have eardrum trouble if your ] Eustachian tubes are badly plugged up, but theory ] predicts -- and animal experiments confirm -- that ] otherwise, exposure to vacuum causes no immediate injury. ] You do not explode. Your blood does not boil. You do not ] freeze. You do not instantly lose consciousness. ] ] Various minor problems (sunburn, possibly "the bends", ] certainly some [mild, reversible, painless] swelling of ] skin and underlying tissue) start after ten seconds or ] so. At some point you lose consciousness from lack of ] oxygen. Injuries accumulate. After perhaps one or two ] minutes, you're dying. The limits are not really known. The language here seemed almost poetic. Human Body in a Vacuum |
Kimbo Slice Fights Again! |
Topic: Sports |
1:48 am EST, Nov 17, 2004 |
The return of Kimbo. I emailed his promoter a few months ago, as a joke on a friend of mine, to setup a fight. His promoter informed me that he had some very tough fights coming up, and that he would need several months to recover from them. Apparently this is one of those fights. Meet Kimbo Slice. Again. This is brutal. His opponent can actually fight this time. NC-17 for Brutality. Updated to http://www.muchosucko.com/video-bareknucklebrawl.html Kimbo Slice Fights Again! |
War Nerd - Iraq: The Brecher Victory Plan! |
Topic: Current Events |
10:28 pm EST, Nov 15, 2004 |
] Conventional guerrilla-warfare strategy says that if your ] enemy is massing a huge conventional force to attack you, ] you disperse -- just vanish. Mao said, "Lose land and ] save people, land can be retaken. Lose people to save ] land, people and land both lost." In other words, don't ] risk your guerrilla force defending static positions. ] ] The real pros, the brains of the insurgency, slipped out ] of Fallujah weeks ago. They're already attacking us from ] the rear, just like Mao suggested, going after the soft ] targets, like the Iraqi cops. They grabbed a police ] station way up North and killed 21 poor suckers in ] uniform the other day. Gary Brecher: Keeping you safe. from his underwear. in a recliner. in middle America. War Nerd - Iraq: The Brecher Victory Plan! |
The Next American City: East Atlanta |
Topic: Local Information |
10:12 pm EST, Nov 15, 2004 |
] Too many damn dogs,%u201D Lucky Chuckie ] says. %u201CMore dogs than we ever had.%u201D A lifetime ] resident of East Atlanta, Chuckie is describing one of ] the changes he has observed as his neighborhood has ] become Atlanta%u2019s trendiest. %u201CWe,%u201D in his ] mind, are the old-timers%u2014mostly African-American ] homeowners who lived through East Atlanta%u2019s ] startling transformation over the past four decades. ] %u201CThey%u201D are the newcomer dog-owners%u2014yuppies ] and families who are changing the neighborhood they now ] share with the old-timers. The %u201Cus%u201D and ] %u201Cthem%u201D language he uses is a sure and subtle ] indicator of the state of East Atlanta: the first stages ] of gentrification. The Next American City: East Atlanta |
The eXile Solution to Middle America - By Mark Ames |
Topic: Current Events |
8:28 pm EST, Nov 15, 2004 |
] What they don't have the guts to admit, once and for all, ] is that THE PROBLEM IS MIDDLE AMERICA. Stop blaming the ] victim, folks. The problem with the idiocy and lunacy are ] the idiots and lunatics, not their mugging victims. ] ] Now that we've come out and said it, it's time to act. We ] at the eXile are here to solve problems. Middle America ] is the problem, and the eXile has the solution. It's a ] little extreme, and you folks will have to briefly ] suspend your little liberal-humanist consciences in order ] to get on board with us, but we think it's the only ] solution that'll work. ] ] Gas them. Gas every red state that voted for Bush. Gas ] them all, and gas them now. And if that sounds a little ] too 1940s for you, then fine, nuke the fuckers. Nukes ] have come a long way since 1945, so much so that they're ] not even 1940s anymore. It's just that gassing them ] sounds so much more appropriate. The eXile Solution to Middle America - By Mark Ames |
ABC News: AP Photographer Flees Fallujah |
Topic: Current Events |
5:05 am EST, Nov 15, 2004 |
] "I decided to swim %u2026 but I changed my mind after ] seeing U.S. helicopters firing on and killing people who ] tried to cross the river." ] ] He watched horrified as a family of five was shot dead as ] they tried to cross. Then, he "helped bury a man by the ] river bank, with my own hands." ] ] "I kept walking along the river for two hours and I could ] still see some U.S. snipers ready to shoot anyone who ] might swim. I quit the idea of crossing the river and ] walked for about five hours through orchards." Didn't Kerry characterize "free-fire" zones as war crimes? ABC News: AP Photographer Flees Fallujah |
MSNBC - CIA insider says U.S. fighting wrong war |
Topic: Current Events |
6:59 pm EST, Nov 14, 2004 |
] "And the genius that lies behind it, because he's not a ] man who rants against our freedoms, our liberties, our ] voting, our %u2014 the fact that our women go to school. ] He's not the Ayatollah Khomeini; he really doesn't care ] about all those things. To think that he's trying to rob ] us of our liberties and freedom is, I think, a gross ] mistake. What he has done, his genius, is identify ] particular American foreign policies that are offensive ] to Muslims whether they support these martial actions or ] not %u2014 our support for Israel, our presence on the ] Arabian Peninsula, our activities in Afghanistan and ] Iraq, our support for governments that Muslims believe ] oppress Muslims, be it India, China, Russia, Uzbekistan. ] Bin Laden has focused the Muslim world on specific, ] tangible, visual American policies. MSNBC - CIA insider says U.S. fighting wrong war |
CBS News | CIA Agent Details Terror Threat | November 12, 2004 |
Topic: Current Events |
6:47 pm EST, Nov 14, 2004 |
] And the threat posed by bin Laden is also underestimated, ] says Scheuer. "I think our leaders over the last decade ] have done the American people a disservice...continuing ] to characterize Osama bin Laden as a thug, as a ] gangster," he says. ] ] "Until we respect him, sir, we are going to die in ] numbers that are probably unnecessary, yes. He's a very, ] very talented man and a very worthy opponent." CBS News | CIA Agent Details Terror Threat | November 12, 2004 |
Kevin Sites Blog: Fallujah Street by Street |
Topic: Current Events |
3:54 pm EST, Nov 14, 2004 |
] The Marines are operating with liberal rules of ] engagement. ] ] "Everything to the west is weapons free," radios Staff ] Sgt. Sam Mortimer of Seattle, Washington. Weapons Free ] means the marines can shoot whatever they see -- it's all ] considered hostile. Kevin Sites Blog: Fallujah Street by Street |