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Topic: Arts 8:58 pm EST, Nov 13, 2005

One of the most densely populated metropolitan areas in the world, Hong Kong has an overall density of nearly 6,700 people per square kilometer. The majority of its citizens live in flats in high-rise buildings. In Architecture of Density, Wolf investigates these vibrant city blocks, finding a mesmerizing abstraction in the buildings' facades.

These are amazing photographs. I wish I could go to the exhibition.

Topic: Recreation 11:19 pm EST, Nov 10, 2005

I'm thinking of registering this domain for people who experienced a particular life-changing event.

Wired News: Eat, Sleep, Work, Consume, Die
Topic: Society 11:15 pm EST, Nov 10, 2005

But stock-market capitalism is today's coin of the realm, consumerism its handmaiden, and technology is the great enabler. You think technology benefits you because it gives you an easier row to hoe? Bollocks. The ease it provides is illusory. It has trapped you, made you a slave to things you don't even need but suddenly can't live without. So you rot in a cubicle trying to get the money to get the stuff, when you should be out walking in a meadow or wooing a lover or writing a song.

Jollarian recommends a Holiday in Cambodia for this gentleman, as well as anyone who recommends this link. Really. They help. Nothing like... well, very little or nothing material, to clear the mind. Nothing like... Amoebic Dysentary to... clear the bowels.

Wired News: Eat, Sleep, Work, Consume, Die, offering the finest men's and boy's suits and all accessories
Topic: Society 2:20 pm EST, Nov  6, 2005 presented by Siegel's Clothing Superstore, in
business since 1889, specializing in making, selling, and renting authentic 1930's/1940's swing era style Zoot Suits, Accessories, and much much more! Only offers made-to-order Zoot Suits and Zoot Pants custom-tailored to your exact specified measurements, arriving to you ready to wear! In fact, Siegel's outfits virtually every retro-swing band in the US, Europe, and Asia, as well as movies, television, theatre and more !, offering the finest men's and boy's suits and all accessories Central
Topic: Science 7:04 pm EST, Nov  5, 2005

It used to be that the only way to get a
college degree was to fork over a lot of money and spend hours sitting in a stuffy classroom. But things have changed, and more and more schools are delivering the
classroom--by mail, on video, and over the Internet--directly to you, wherever and whenever you want. Whether for love of learning, career advancement, or personal
satisfaction, you can get a college degree--bachelor's, master's, or doctorate--faster, cheaper, and better nontraditionally.

Russell contemplates completing his last year of study online. Central

Y Combinator: Funding
Topic: Technology 7:34 pm EST, Nov  4, 2005

Y Combinator does exclusively seed funding. Seed funding is the
earliest stage of venture funding.
It pays your expenses while you develop a prototype.
Some companies may need no more than seed funding.
Others will go through several rounds.
There is no right answer: how much funding you need depends on the
kind of company you start.
At Y Combinator, our goal is to get you through the first phase.
This usually means: get you to the point where you
have a convincing demo, so you can get more funding.
We also try to match you up with investors-- and in some cases even

Y Combinator: Funding

Crate Training
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:22 pm EST, Oct 31, 2005

What is a dog crate?

��� A dog crate is a cage made of wire or molded plastic.

Its purpose is to provide confinement for reasons of security, safety,

housebreaking, protection of household goods, travel or illness. You may

think that putting your pet in a crate is mean or inhumane and might cause

your pet to resent you or to be psychologically damaged. However, dogs

view the world differently than people.

��� As your dog sees it, the crate is a room of his very

own - a "security blanket". The crate helps to satisfy the "den instinct"

inherited from his den-dwelling ancestors and relatives. Your pet will

feel secure, not frustrated once accustomed to his crate. Your pet wants

to please you and you want to enjoy him. The crate can help you achieve

a better relationship with your pet by preventing unwanted behavior when

you aren't available to supervise him.

Crate Training

Chris Jordan Photography: Series on the Scale of the American Economy
Topic: Arts 8:32 pm EST, Oct 31, 2005

These are a series of very impressive images showing the scale of American consumerism. The author attempts to show how bad our consumerism is... and frankly, I'm not with it. Not that materialism is not bad. its just that... any functioning economy in a nation this big will have artifacts like these. I'm familiar with the shipping stuff, and to be honest... that shot of the inside of a 40 foot ocean container gave me flashbacks to unloading floor-packed boxes of weenie whistles, over a million of them, in a container that was 130F towards the top. Jesus God.

Anyway, don't click the 'statement' button. Just click the 'images' button. These are very, very impressive images. God Bless America.

Chris Jordan Photography: Series on the Scale of the American Economy

Doubts Cast on Vietnam Incident, but Secret Study Stays Classified - New York Times
Topic: Technology 6:47 am EST, Oct 31, 2005

The historian's conclusion is the first serious accusation that communications intercepted by the N.S.A., the secretive eavesdropping and code-breaking agency, were falsified so that they made it look as if North Vietnam had attacked American destroyers on Aug. 4, 1964, two days after a previous clash.

The New York Times repeats itself.

Doubts Cast on Vietnam Incident, but Secret Study Stays Classified - New York Times

Howstuffworks: How Zombies Work
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:45 pm EST, Oct 30, 2005

Like a lot of monsters, zombies have their roots in folklore and -- according to some researchers -- in real events in Haiti.

Howstuffworks: How Zombies Work

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