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Comparison of different SQL implementations
Topic: Technology 7:45 pm EDT, May 24, 2006

Comparisons of teh technologies.

Comparison of different SQL implementations

Migrating from Microsoft SQL Server and Access to MySQL :: MySQL AB
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:04 am EDT, May 22, 2006


One of the more common themes present on the various MySQL forums and mailing lists is that of data migration. Typically requests are made by users of Microsoft� Access and Microsoft SQL Server who are looking to migrate their data (and client applications) to a MySQL database. Developers often ask for tools that can be used to convert an Access database to MySQL (or convert an MSSQL database to MySQL), without realizing that there is more to migrating an application to MySQL than simply converting data.

In this article I will cover the basics of migrating an application from an Access or SQL Server database to MySQL. We'll start with various reasons why you should (or should not) migrate your existing Access or SQL Server database to MySQL, then cover the planning stages of an application migration. Next we will look at the tools and methods for migrating your actual data from Access/MSSQL to MySQL, followed by some general guidelines for modifying your client application from a Microsoft database to MySQL. Finally, we'll look at some considerations to make when deploying your new MySQL database and application.

Migrating from Microsoft SQL Server and Access to MySQL :: MySQL AB

Programming Perl Book
Topic: Technology 2:35 am EDT, May 22, 2006

The Camel Book. Online.

Programming Perl Book

Creating (and Maintaining) Perl Modules
Topic: Technology 12:58 am EDT, May 22, 2006

The goal of this web page is to help you write easily maintainable and re-usable code. In Perl, re-usability is implemented through modules, which are similar to libraries in other languages.

This page will guide you through creating your module and documenting it, as well as giving you some tips on how to make your code as maintainable and re-usable as possible.

Remembing perl. I love perl. I am very productive in perl.

Creating (and Maintaining) Perl Modules

Perl SOAP cookbook
Topic: Technology 11:39 pm EDT, May 21, 2006

According to The Feynman Problem Solving Algorithm steps you need to undertake to solve any problem are really simple:

1. Write down the problem.
2. Think real hard.
3. Write down the answer.

In most cases you can't avoid step two, but sometimes you need to get the answer as soon as possible. The Cookbook won't teach you, but it might give you an help if you are felling lost working with SOAP or SOAP::Lite.

Perl SOAP cookbook -- Bringing Ruby on Rails with FastCGI into Mac OS X Server
Topic: Technology 12:00 pm EDT, May 21, 2006

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a great web application development framework. Although I'm still coming up to speed with actually developing RoR apps, I also wanted to become familiar with the production deployment process. Most of the documentation out there sort of glosses over this plumbing. However, sooner or later you need to get your hands dirty. -- Bringing Ruby on Rails with FastCGI into Mac OS X Server

AOJ Outdoors Tip - Eliminate Yellow Jackets With This Non-Toxic Homemade Yellow Jacket Trap!
Topic: Home and Garden 1:57 am EDT, May 20, 2006

My grandpa turned me onto this sure-fire yellow jacket eliminator about 50 years ago when I was just a youngster. I've observed its efficiency in removing all the yellow jackets from our campsite in a matter of a single day and before the week was over the entire campground was free of these hostile pests that make camping and other outdoor activities miserable. This method is NON-TOXIC and for the most part pet and wildlife friendly due to the harmless components that are used to build the "system." There are quite a few commercial products on the market to eliminate yellow jackets but this one doesn't cost anything and I can guarantee its an extremely effective way to rid your yard or campsite of the yellow hoards in just a day or two.

AOJ Outdoors Tip - Eliminate Yellow Jackets With This Non-Toxic Homemade Yellow Jacket Trap!

IO2Technology: Heliodisplay/ Interactive Free-Space Display
Topic: Technology 1:48 am EDT, May 20, 2006

IO2 Technology develops the commercially available Heliodisplay (tm) platform, as well as discrete systems for mission-specific applications which are not advertised. The embryonic stage of the Heliodisplay is the first platform developed at IO2, and in it's initial commercial phase for 'light' applications. The Skivis (tm) system is targeted towards corporate customers serving larger display demands. More advanced displays and interfaces for novel visualization, situational awareness and re-organization of I/O space are under development. These future systems are disparate technologies that IO2 does not openly promote on it's website.

I likey.

IO2Technology: Heliodisplay/ Interactive Free-Space Display

Intalling Perl Modules from the CPAN on OS X TIger
Topic: Technology 12:54 am EDT, May 20, 2006

`/System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level/CORE/ config.h', needed by `Makefile'. Stop.

Install Xcode. It's on your Tiger DVD. To expand on that a bit - Make sure to install the "BSD SDK" when you install Xcode. That's the sub-package that includes Perl's header files. I can't recall offhand if it's installed by default or not. I *think* it is, but it's worth doing an "advanced install" and reviewing the selected sub-packages just to make sure.

Intalling Perl Modules from the CPAN on OS X TIger

ls ordered by date changed
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:31 pm EDT, May 19, 2006

ls -ct1 | head -1

ls ordered by date changed

(Last) Newer << 170 ++ 180 - 181 - 182 - 183 - 184 - 185 - 186 - 187 - 188 ++ 198 >> Older (First)
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