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StartupLounge.com : Atlanta Startup Resource |
Topic: Business |
9:48 am EDT, May 21, 2007 |
The goal of StartupLounge.com is to provide a resource for entrepreneurs to get the rubber-meets-the-road kind of help that they need to be successful, at no cost, and no strings attached. We aren’t here to sell you anything. We simply want to help entrepreneurs grow, and turn good deals into great ones. Through our podcast, we aim to offer valuable content for entrepreneurs everywhere (although we will focus certain content on the southeast region of the United States, with a special emphasis on the Atlanta/Georgia market.) Our show format is a bit different than most other podcasts in that our shows tend to run between 30-60 minutes in length. Instead of trying to “force fit” show content into a 10 or 15 minute block of time, we instead strive for riveting guests, lively topics, and a dash of silliness to boot. StartupLounge.com : Atlanta Startup Resource |
StartupLounge.com » About |
Topic: Technology |
7:01 am EDT, May 19, 2007 |
The goal of StartupLounge.com is to provide a resource for entrepreneurs to get the rubber-meets-the-road kind of help that they need to be successful, at no cost, and no strings attached. We aren’t here to sell you anything. We simply want to help entrepreneurs grow, and turn good deals into great ones. Through our podcast, we aim to offer valuable content for entrepreneurs everywhere (although we will focus certain content on the southeast region of the United States, with a special emphasis on the Atlanta/Georgia market.)
Startup resources for southerners. StartupLounge.com » About |
Installing lighttpd and FastCGI for Catalyst - Dev411: The Code Wiki |
Topic: Technology |
2:03 am EDT, May 18, 2007 |
Installing lighttpd and FastCGI for Catalyst From Dev411: The Code Wiki One of the big benefits of using Catalyst web framework (http://www.catalystframework.org) is its ability to run on a variety of web servers and engines. Catalyst makes running your app on lighttpd and FastCGI breeze. FastCGI allows Catalyst to run in a persistent Perl process with the lighttpd web server. As an aside, while the FastCGI process is persistent, the connection between lighttpd and FastCGI isn't. The LiteSpeed webserver (http://litespeedtech.com/) supports persistent FastCGI connections but isn't open source (though there is a free standard version). The following are notes on getting lighttpd running with FastCGI and Catalyst. Catalyst 5.65, lighttpd 1.4.10 and CentOS 4.2 were used for testing.
Installing lighttpd and FastCGI for Catalyst - Dev411: The Code Wiki |
[FASTCGI] Fastcgi module for Apache 2.2 |
Topic: Technology |
11:10 pm EDT, May 17, 2007 |
On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 08:03:28AM 0100, Daniel Smertnig wrote: > *If* they are already available in 2.0 checking APACHE2 should be enough. OK, after some investigation I found out that the "new" (apr_*) symbols were introduced beginning with 2.0 and that the older symbols were #defined to the new ones in 2.0. In 2.2 these (previously deprecated) defines were dropped. Therefore I believe the simplest/shortest way to make mod_fastcgi work with 1.3, 2.0 and 2.2 is to reintroduce these defines ourselves when necessary. The attached patch does this and additionaly fixes a problem in Makefile.AP2 under 2.2 (still works under 2.0 though). It was tested on 1.3.33, 2.0.55 and 2.2 and compiles and loads on all three versions. I believe it is suitable for inclusion in the official code base. Thanks, daniel
Building mod_fastcgi for Apache2.2.4 [FASTCGI] Fastcgi module for Apache 2.2 |
pkgsrc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Topic: Technology |
5:36 pm EDT, May 15, 2007 |
pkgsrc can be used in two different ways. The first is to only use the binary packages, which can be installed and deinstalled using simple command line tools. The second is to build packages from source, where the user can provide additional build options to enable or disable certain features of the packages. By default the packages are all installed in the /usr/pkg directory, regardless of the operating system. When building from source, the user can install the packages to any other location in the filesystem, too. This allows pkgsrc to be used as a secondary package system on platforms that lack a good primary one. pkgsrc currently contains over 6500 (over 8000 including wip) packages, including popular open source software such as the Apache HTTP Server, the Mozilla web browser, the GNOME Desktop Environment and the K Desktop Environment. pkgsrc supports the following operating systems:
pkgsrc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Topic: Technology |
11:17 pm EDT, May 12, 2007 |
ashville Capital Network (“NCN”) is a collaborative initiative of Vanderbilt University, the Nashville Technology Council, Nashville Health Care Council, local investors, as well as, local business and professional leaders. NCN strives to promote entrepreneurial education and economic growth by becoming the hub for early stage capital formation in middle Tennessee. NCN's mission centers around the simultaneous development of two distinct initiatives: Educational and Entrepreneurial focused initiative: NCN helps entrepreneurs with business ventures that have the potential to attract institutional equity refine their business concepts and prepare for the fundraising process. As an extension of its educational initiative, the NCN serves as an advocate for entrepreneurs and will assist in the fundraising process by matching promising ventures with experienced and knowledgeable Nashville-based investors. Investor Initiative: To continue building a source of early stage capital by delivering value to investors via deal flow, investment analysis, and due diligence. NCN employs these resources to help develop investment opportunities often not available to individuals or informal investor groups.
Nashville Capital |
Top 10 Mistakes in High Tech Marketing |
Topic: Business |
10:23 am EDT, May 9, 2007 |
Misinterpretation of the Technology Adoption Lifecycle Model There are two versions of the technology adoption lifecycle model. The original version (introduced in 1957 at Iowa State College) describes the market acceptance of new products in terms of innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. The process of adoption over time is illustrated as a classic normal distribution or "bell curve." The second version is an adaptation of the original that includes a gap in the bell curve, between early adopters and the early majority. This essentially splits the adoption process into three distinct phases, an early market and a mainstream market, separated by a period of time called the valley of death.
Top 10 Mistakes in High Tech Marketing |
NPR : A Wireless Network for 'Little Lhasa' |
Topic: Technology |
10:15 am EDT, May 9, 2007 |
Much of the so-called mesh network taking root in Dharamsala is the work of Yahel Ben-David. The Israeli engineer earned his technology chops in Silicon Valley and his survival skills in the Israeli military. The community wireless network, he says, is funded so far by his own credit cards. He faces unique maintenance challenges -- like figuring out the best way to monkey-proof an antenna.
Holy crap, I know this guy. NPR : A Wireless Network for 'Little Lhasa' |