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Russia Tests World's Largest Non-Nuclear Bomb
Topic: Technology 3:17 am EDT, Sep 13, 2007

Sure you can, if you don't mind a few casualties. The Russians seem to have a liberal policy about random deaths in terrorism matters.

Example: when 32 Chechnyen separatists took over the Beslan School and had 1200 hostages ( several hundred of them children ), Russian security forces used tanks ( firing - according to one of the tank comander's testimony - "antipersonnel-high explosive shells" ), flamethrowers, and at least one Mi-24 helicopter gunship.
At least 334 hostages died, and approximately 700 were wounded.

This is a weapon for political control as much as for war. They already have more nukes than they can reasonably use. What is the point of building a non-radiactive bomb this powerful? The only reason seems to be so you can retake the territory soon after. They're going to use it on their own territory.

Russia Tests World's Largest Non-Nuclear Bomb

Peak Oil Debunked: 22. MORE ON OIL AND FOOD PRICES
Topic: Health and Wellness 7:27 pm EDT, Sep 12, 2007

"The empirical results presented above suggest energy prices will have a relatively small but positive impact on the average price that consumers pay for food. The simulations suggest that a doubling of crude oil prices would raise average food prices in competitive food markets by as much as 1.82 percent in the short run, and by 0.27 percent in the long run."

So let's calculate shall we? Crude is now about $65. When it goes up to $130 during the "super spike", I'm going to have to pay a whole $2 extra on every $100 of groceries. That is scary, and cataclysmic. I'm sure people will be breeding goats and farming their back yards in terror, rather than not buying a pack of gum for their kid at the register.

Oh, and by the way, processed food isn't good for you. Yes, Cheetos may be delicious, but they are very fossil fuel intensive, and will definitely cost a few cents more per bag in the post-peak period. It's probably better to just stick with the ol' reliables like corn and beans and potatoes.

Peak Oil Debunked: 22. MORE ON OIL AND FOOD PRICES

Miniature Cattle
Topic: Home and Garden 7:04 pm EDT, Sep 12, 2007

Welcome to our web page. We have a small acreage in north-central Iowa with about 40 head of miniature cattle of all ages. We bought our 1st miniature cattle back in 1993. Before we bought any we subscribed to lots of exotic animal magazines and made numerous phone calls. We had no idea what type of mini cattle were out there. We just started buying small and colorful little cattle.

These are so cool. I want a herd of miniature animals.

Miniature Cattle

Free iPhone Software Unlock Guide
Topic: Technology 2:44 am EDT, Sep 12, 2007

How to unlock your iPhone. Someone else go first!

Free iPhone Software Unlock Guide

Topic: Technology 5:29 am EDT, Sep 11, 2007

Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go.


Topic: Arts 11:29 pm EDT, Sep 10, 2007

Yeah, uhh... leave britney alone.

[ Video Link ]


Why I’m Enthused About Startup Weekend -
Topic: Business 5:23 pm EDT, Sep 10, 2007

There are only a few ideas that really pop out at me and make my jaw drop. When Allison Rhodes of OpenDNS asked me what I thought were some of the best recent innovations at dinner a while back, I really didn’t have anything to say and have been thinking about it ever since. Now I have my answer: Startup Weekend.

Atlanta gets its own Startup weekend.

Why I’m Enthused About Startup Weekend -

Startup Weekend Atlanta — November 9-11
Topic: Technology 5:18 pm EDT, Sep 10, 2007

Startup Weekends begin on a Friday evening and the project is completed by Sunday night - about 56 hours. Before the event people coordinate via an online wiki to throw out some ideas for a company and product. When the Startup Weekend kicks off, attendees vote on ideas then dole out tasks (ranging from legal to back-end development) to everyone there. There’s always something for someone to do and even if you can’t code your way out of a cardboard box you can at least write website copy or provide feedback to the designers.

Memestreams is dripping with ereetness. You guys need to sign up for this thing.

Startup Weekend Atlanta — November 9-11

Inside the iPhone: Third Party Software
Topic: Technology 2:39 am EDT, Sep  8, 2007

Demand, Difficulty... Artificial Limitations?
So far, the barriers of demand and difficulty don't look like a problem for the iPhone. What about artificial limitations created by Apple?

Apple has quite pointedly stated that it believes that an unmanaged amalgam of shareware and open source would result in a phone like the Palm Treo or WinCE / Windows Mobile phones, where security is problematic and system instabilities are a common problem.

That's simply difficult to argue against. While the idea of a Linux based PDA phone that runs everything and burps out source code on demand sounds great and is politically correct, there's a reason why such a thing is conspicuously missing from the market: it makes even less sense than Linux on the desktop.

Inside the iPhone: Third Party Software

One Size Fits All - A Concept Whose Time Has Come and Gone - The Database Column
Topic: Technology 4:03 pm EDT, Sep  6, 2007

In short, the world of 2007 is radically different from the world of the late 1970s. However, none of the major vendors have performed a complete redesign to deal with this changed landscape. As such they should be considered legacy technology, more than a quarter of century in age and "long in the tooth".

In every major application area I can think of, it is possible to build a SQL DBMS engine with vertical market-specific internals that outperforms the "one size fits all" engines by a factor of 50 or so. Vertica is an example of this claim in the data warehouse market. It achieves blindingly fast warehouse performance by:


One Size Fits All - A Concept Whose Time Has Come and Gone - The Database Column

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