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How to Write Parallel Programs
Topic: Technology 11:37 am EDT, Mar 11, 2009


How to Write Parallel Programs

Caffeine Producing Transgenic Tobacco: A Novel Pest Control Strategy
Topic: Technology 9:54 pm EDT, Mar 10, 2009

The Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan recently reported research on the development of caffeine-producing transgenic tobacco plants tolerant to tobacco cutworms (Spodoptera litura). Previously, the researchers isolated genes encoding three distinct N-methyltransferases and demonstrated in vitro production of the recombinant enzymes responsible for caffeine yield. They also published a review of the metabolic engineering of the caffeine biosynthetic pathway utilizing both gene silencing and over-expression approaches. The application of this research supported further efforts to employ transgenic caffeine-expressing plants as insect repellents.

This sure would mess up the organic branding...

Caffeine Producing Transgenic Tobacco: A Novel Pest Control Strategy

Southern Light Rail - SLR Overview
Topic: Technology 3:54 pm EDT, Mar 10, 2009

Southern Light Rail (SLR) is a Georgia Tech non-profit corporation providing National Lambda Rail (NLR) access to the Georgia Research Alliance universities, other universities in the Southern region of the United States and governmental and private sector organizations involved in university research initiatives. SLR will reach out to facilitate dark fiber connectivity to the Southern universities and research centers. This will help enable more collaborative research activities between and within universities.

Southern Light Rail - SLR Overview

ACFB - Plant A Row for the Hungry
Topic: Local Information 2:57 pm EDT, Mar 10, 2009

How Does Plant a Row Work?

Participation is easy! Atlanta gardeners are urged literally to plant one extra row of veggies in their gardens and donate surplus produce directly to one of the designated drop-off sites throughout metro Atlanta. Click here for a list of drop-off sites. These agencies will distribute food from your garden to the residents in your community who need and appreciate it the most.

Many Plant a Row donations also come from gardeners with unexpectedly good crops who can't stand to see wholesome foods go to waste.

I will feed the hungry.

ACFB - Plant A Row for the Hungry

Soil Organic Matter Content
Topic: Home and Garden 1:38 pm EDT, Mar 10, 2009

Map Description:
This is the map of soil organic matter derived from the national STATSGO database which was developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The color scale ranges from gray sandy soils to dark brown loamy organic peats. Again the midwest stands out, and so does the Okefenokee swamp in south Georgia and the Everglades of Florida.

Soil Organic Matter Content

Thinking in Scala vs Erlang : Caoyuan's Blog
Topic: Technology 11:46 am EDT, Mar 10, 2009

Briefly, If only do small message processing in each actor/process, especially
in Binary, Erlang is faster than Scala; If do heavy work in each actor/process, for example, processing String/Text,
Erlang is slow than Scala.

Thinking in Scala vs Erlang : Caoyuan's Blog

Genetics and Molecular Biology - Effects of caffeine and used coffee grounds on biological features of Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) and their possible use in alternative control
Topic: Home and Garden 11:11 am EDT, Mar 10, 2009

In studies carried out in our laboratory with Drosophila, CAF decreased mating frequency, egg-laying capacity, fertility and longevity, and increased developmental time and pre-copulation duration (Itoyama and Bicudo, 1992

Coffee grounds fight Malaria!

Genetics and Molecular Biology - Effects of caffeine and used coffee grounds on biological features of Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) and their possible use in alternative control

How to download ALL TED Talks at once, using Bash
Topic: Technology 11:14 pm EDT, Mar  9, 2009

aurynn: ok. here we go: first part: for a in $( seq 1 34 ); do lynx -dump$a > $a.html; done

aurynn: it fetches lists of talks - 34 pages of them
stores each page as .html (which is bad, as it is not html)

aurynn: 2nd part: cat *.html | perl -ne 'print if s{^\s*\d+\.\s+([^/]+\.html)\s*$}{$1\n}' | sort | uniq > big.list

aurynn: it generates list of all pages of talks.

aurynn: cat big.list | while read URL; do OUTPUT=$( echo $URL | sed 's#.*/#out/#;s#html$#txt#' ); lynx -dump "$URL" > "$OUTPUT"; echo $URL; done

it fetches all pages of talks, and stores them in .txt

for a in *.txt; do grep -q -E '\[[0-9]+\]Video to desktop \(Zipped MP4\)' $a || echo $a; done

this lists all .txt files which don't have link of "video to desktop" (to talks, both seem to be someone singing

i removed these .txt files

finally: for a in *.txt; do POS=$( grep -E '\[[0-9]+\]Video to desktop \(Zipped MP4\)' $a | sed 's/^.*\[//;s/\].*//' ); grep -E "^[[:space:]]*$POS\.[[:space:]]http" $a | sed "s/.*http/wget -O $ http/;s/"; done >

this generates, which wgets all videos, and stores them in .zip

How to download ALL TED Talks at once, using Bash

Be Relentlessly Resourceful
Topic: Business 10:36 pm EDT, Mar  9, 2009

You can even use it tactically. If I were running a startup, this would be the phrase I'd tape to the mirror. "Make something people want" is the destination, but "Be relentlessly resourceful" is how you get there.

Be Relentlessly Resourceful

Warren Buffett says economy fell off a cliff - BusinessWeek
Topic: Business 4:49 pm EDT, Mar  9, 2009

Buffett said Monday during a live appearance on CNBC that current economic turmoil has basically followed the worst-case scenario he envisioned.

Warren Buffett says economy fell off a cliff - BusinessWeek

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