Sha� interactive catalogs include X-rated pornographic content intended for adults only. These catalogs can be downloaded for private use only, and in no case should be transferred to non-consenting individuals or to minors. This website automatically alerts Parental Control Systems regarding its X-rated content.
This may be the first pron recommended on memestreams, but I'm recommending it because its really innovative. This is an interactive pornographic catalog. They do product placement, and then you can highlight an icon and it tells you about it. This shouldn't be limited to pron, its a good idea for all kinds of video and product placements. But pron is a really simple way to generate 'valuable' content that people will watch... as this is pretty hot pron, and then place products there. So this is first... but it won't be the last time this is stuff is done? Sha� - Women Men SexPacking Summer 2006 Catalog |