] Nearly 400 images can be accessed through the links ] below. Each page contains 50 fast-loading thumbnails ] which link to larger images. For the sake of completeness ] (and to perhaps inspire young artists to persevere) I've ] included very early work dating from the late 1960's. ] Early work was created primarily in oils, intermediate ] work in acrylics and gouache, and later work using ] digital tools.The execution of the early works is ] sometimes primitive, the ideas are occasionally outdated, ] and the scans may be uncorrected. Nonetheless, the ] pictures may be amusing or instructive. Generally, the ] lower the serial number of an image, the older it is. The ] date ranges are approximate, however, and in some cases ] older images may have been catalogued with higher serial ] numbers when they were digitally remastered. Many of the ] images are being restored and may have been updated in ] the web edition of this site. High resolution images on ] the CD edition may be viewed with a graphics program. Holy badass space-artist. Don Dixon Space Art Portfolio |