Damn, I'm tired of always being right, because it's always about the bad news. In this case, Aaron wrote to give me the heads-up that six long years after I predicted Iranian irregular naval forces in small civilian craft would make an American fleet in the Persian Gulf look foolish, the glorious NY Times itself lowered itself to repeat today what I'd said way back in 2002. Here's Aaron's message:
Dear Mr. Nerd,
I'm a longtime reader of your column and it wouldn't surprise me if you've already seen this:
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/12/ washington/12navy.html?ref=todayspaper
But if you hadn't, allow me to stroke your ego (and ego alone) by making pointing out that you're the only motherfucker in the world that seems to have picked up on this. It only took the press five years. Adding insult to ineptitude, it was the New York Times.
Hope this brightens an otherwise bleary in Fuckno for ya.