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If there really had been a Mercutio, and if there really were a Paradise, Mercutio might be hanging out with teenage Vietnam draftee casualties now, talking about what it felt like to die for other people's vanity and foolishness.
--Kurt Vonnegut's Hocus Pocus p151

Jesus accepting gays too hot for NBC, CBS - Dec. 1, 2004
Topic: Current Events 11:22 pm EST, Dec  1, 2004

] NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The CBS and NBC Networks have
] refused to run an ad by a liberal church promoting the
] acceptance of people regardless of sexual orientation
] because the networks believe the ad is advocacy
] advertising.
] The 30-second spot, run by the United Church of Christ,
] features two muscle-bound bouncers standing outside a
] church, selecting people who could attend service and
] those who could not. Among those kept out are two males
] who appear to be a couple. Written text then appears
] saying, in part, "Jesus didn't turn people away, neither
] do we."
] "It's ironic that after a political season awash in
] commercials based on fear and deception by both parties
] seen on all major networks, an ad with a message of
] welcome and inclusion would be deemed too controversial,"
] said Rev. John Thomas in the statement.

Rock that statement, Reverend!

Jesus accepting gays too hot for NBC, CBS - Dec. 1, 2004 - Lava lamp left on hot stovetop explodes, killing man - Nov 30, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:13 pm EST, Nov 30, 2004

] KENT, Washington (AP) -- A man who placed a lava lamp on
] a hot stovetop was killed when it exploded and sent a
] shard of glass into his heart, police said.
] Philip Quinn, 24, was found dead in his trailer home
] Sunday night by his parents.
] "Why on earth he was heating a lava lamp on the stove, we
] don't know," Kent Police spokesman Paul Petersen said
] Monday.

Darwin Award, anyone? - Lava lamp left on hot stovetop explodes, killing man - Nov 30, 2004 - Ridge steps down as Homeland Security chief - Nov 30, 2004
Topic: Current Events 5:10 pm EST, Nov 30, 2004

] (CNN) -- Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge resigned
] Tuesday, but he will remain in the post until February 1
] unless a successor is confirmed sooner.
] "There will always be more to do, but today, America is
] significantly stronger and safer than ever before," he
] said in his resignation letter.

Ding...Dong...The Witch is Dead!

I like that bullshit about America being "safer than ever before." Yeah, nothing like a mounting list of enemies with big guns to make me feel safer at night. - Ridge steps down as Homeland Security chief - Nov 30, 2004 - Telecoms lobby against public wireless networks - Nov 24, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:35 pm EST, Nov 24, 2004

] HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania (AP) -- Philadelphia's plan to
] offer inexpensive wireless Internet as a municipal
] service -- the most ambitious yet by a major U.S. city --
] has collided with commercial interests including the
] local phone company, Verizon Communications Inc.
] In fact, a bill on Gov. Ed Rendell's desk that could
] humble Philadelphia's ambitions began 19 months ago as a
] proposal drafted by lobbyists for telecommunications
] companies.

Lobbyists. Can't live with 'em, haven't tried living without them. - Telecoms lobby against public wireless networks - Nov 24, 2004

American poll: Religious Leaders
Topic: Society 11:11 pm EST, Nov 22, 2004

] The poll also found pervasive concern about what
] Americans view as the corrosive effect Hollywood and
] popular culture have on the nation's values and moral
] standards. Seventy percent said they were very or
] somewhat concerned that television, movies and popular
] music were lowering moral standards in this country.
] While this sentiment was voiced by supporters of Mr. Bush
] and of Mr. Kerry, it appears that the concern about a
] decline in values is becoming another point of
] polarization in American politics. Mr. Bush's supporters
] were more likely to cite it than were Mr. Kerry's voters,
] and it was an issue that had particular resonance in the
] South and among weekly churchgoers, rural voters and
] women.
] The poll found that 55 percent of Mr. Kerry's supporters
] said that Mr. Bush's supporters did not share their views
] and morals; 54 percent of Mr. Bush's voters said the same
] thing of those who voted for Mr. Kerry.
] In addition, 70 percent of Mr. Kerry's supporters said
] they were more worried about candidates who "are too
] close to religion and religious leaders" than about
] political leaders who "don't pay enough attention" to
] religion, after a campaign in which Mr. Bush repeatedly
] spoke of God and his faith. By contrast, 52 percent of
] Mr. Bush's supporters said they were more worried about
] public officials who "don't pay enough attention to
] religion and religious leaders."

American poll: Religious Leaders - Camden, N.J., named most dangerous city - Nov 22, 2004
Topic: Current Events 9:06 pm EST, Nov 22, 2004

] TRENTON, New Jersey (AP) -- Camden has been named the
] nation's most-dangerous city, snatching the top spot from
] Detroit, according to a company's annual ranking based on
] crime statistics.
] Atlanta, Georgia, St. Louis, Missouri, and Gary, Indiana,
] rounded out the top five in the most dangerous city
] rankings, which was to be released Monday by Morgan
] Quitno Corp. The company publishes "City Crime Rankings,"
] an annual reference book that will be published next
] month. Detroit fell to second in this year's list.

3rd most dangerous in the country? Then I suppose 3 on-campus armed robberies a week is better than it could be.

-janelane - Camden, N.J., named most dangerous city - Nov 22, 2004 - Humanitarian's tech for health care - Oct 28, 2004
Topic: Technology 10:20 pm EDT, Oct 28, 2004

] CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (AP) -- Vikram Kumar is hardly
] your typical tech chief executive. He shares a
] two-bedroom apartment with a sister and a nephew and gets
] around town by bicycle or in a 20-year-old Mercedes Benz.
] The 28-year-old MIT graduate works days as a pathology
] resident at Brigham and Women's Hospital across the
] Charles River in Boston and only turns his energies at
] night to his business: improving rural health care in the
] developing world with handheld computer technology.

This is really damn cool. Bringing technology to rural and often impoverished areas is something I've dealt with in Engineering Students Without Borders at Tech. It's like my mother always said, "Share with your sister." - Humanitarian's tech for health care - Oct 28, 2004 - New York Times endorses Kerry - Oct 17, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:17 am EDT, Oct 17, 2004

] (CNN) -- The New York Times has endorsed Sen. John Kerry
] for president, calling the Democrat "a man with a strong
] moral core" who "has qualities that could be the basis
] for a great chief executive."
] The endorsement from one of the nation's largest and most
] influential newspapers, published in Sunday's editions
] and placed on The New York Times Web site Saturday night,
] was expected.

WTF?! Since when is a newspaper _expected_ to be openly biased?! Especially when it's supposedly the most respected one in the country? - New York Times endorses Kerry - Oct 17, 2004 - Terror fears don't trump Constitution, court rules - Oct 16, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:14 am EDT, Oct 17, 2004

] ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Fears of a terrorist attack are
] not sufficient reason for authorities to search people at
] a protest, a federal appeals court has ruled, saying
] September 11, 2001, "cannot be the day liberty perished."
] A three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals
] ruled unanimously Friday that protesters may not be
] required to pass through metal detectors
when they gather
] next month for a rally against a U.S. training academy
] for Latin American soldiers.
] Authorities began using the metal detectors at the annual
] School of the Americas protest after the terrorist
] attacks, but the court found that practice to be
] unconstitutional.
] "We cannot simply suspend or restrict civil liberties
] until the War of Terror is over, because the War on
] Terror is unlikely ever to be truly over," Judge Gerald
] Tjoflat wrote for the three-member court. "September 11,
] 2001, already a day of immeasurable tragedy, cannot be
] the day liberty perished in this country."

This....this happened in Georgia. This is the last state on Earth I would have expected to a raise a big "F*ck you" to the Patriot Act.

-janelane - Terror fears don't trump Constitution, court rules - Oct 16, 2004

Happy Birthday Acidus!
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:40 pm EDT, Oct 13, 2004

Acidus turns 24 on Friday. Party time!

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