Since that day, Trig Paxson Van Palin, still only 143 days old, has had an unexpected effect on his mother’s political fortunes. Before her son was born, Ms. Palin went to extraordinary lengths to ensure that his arrival would not compromise her work. She hid the pregnancy. She traveled to Texas a month before her due date to give an important speech, delivering it even though her amniotic fluid was leaking. Three days after giving birth, she returned to work.
Real mom-of-the-year material. I wonder who's raising her son? Down Syndrome patients need specialized care. How nice she can afford to outsource her childcare...that she has that "choice" to make. -janelane, a fan of working mothers as long as they don't sidestep reality to try to become VP P.S. On a side note, what is with this family and batarded baby names? Fusing Politics and Motherhood in a New Way - |