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Man changes name to Bubba Bubba Bubba
Topic: Humor 11:01 pm EST, Dec  1, 2003

] What's in a name? If you're the former Raymond Allen Gray
] Jr., only one word -- Bubba.
] The 39-year-old Springfield native legally changed his
] name last month to reflect his childhood nickname. His
] new first name? Bubba. His new middle name? Bubba. One
] guess what his new last name is.
] "I kind of like to laugh and joke, and it's something
] silly to kind of poke fun with," Bubba Bubba Bubba said.

Is it time for the Civil Service Exam to include a psychological evaluation? (he works for the IL Sec. Of State) :-)

Man changes name to Bubba Bubba Bubba

Interz0ne: Cease and Desist Letter - 20030411
Topic: Civil Liberties 6:08 am EDT, Apr 15, 2003

Interz0ne talk censored due to DMCA notice (blogging from the sequestered talk (which is instead a discussion about what occured)).

(Rattle here blogging live from my talk.. There is a reason I have been going around all day chanting "Chilling Effects" in ominous tones..)

Interz0ne: Cease and Desist Letter - 20030411

U. S. Bureau of Industry and Security: Antiboycott Compliance Office
Topic: Civil Liberties 6:03 am EDT, Apr 15, 2003

] The antiboycott laws were adopted to encourage, and in
] specified cases, require U.S. firms to refuse to
] participate in foreign boycotts that the United States
] does not sanction. They have the effect of preventing
] U.S. firms from being used to implement foreign policies
] of other nations which run counter to U.S. policy.

For those who didn't believe me at Interz0ne that such a department existed, here is your proof. If the US government decides that they don't want US citizens/businesses to participate in a boycott, they've already got a department set up to fine the heck out of you for going against the government's wishes. Right now the department is primarily focused on making sure nobody boycotts Israel.

U. S. Bureau of Industry and Security: Antiboycott Compliance Office

Ari Fleischer gets laughed out of press briefing
Topic: Current Events 4:00 pm EST, Feb 27, 2003

It's the most viewed video at Skip 28 minutes into the video for the appropriate part. A reporter asks Ari what the US is prepared to do for Mexico in return for its vote in the security council. Ari gets indignant and replies that the US doesn't buy votes from other countries. Hilarity ensues.

Ari Fleischer gets laughed out of press briefing

National Security Policy Turned on Its Head
Topic: Current Events 10:00 pm EST, Oct 30, 2002

"Why is Bush endangering the U.S. homeland to go after a petty third world thug in a faraway land that has been effectively contained for more than a decade?"

National Security Policy Turned on Its Head

Wanted: New man for Anna Nicole
Topic: Humor 10:32 am EDT, Oct  5, 2002

Lock up your grandfather- Anna Nicole Smith is on the prowl for another man..

Wanted: New man for Anna Nicole

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Israel's arms inspector
Topic: Current Events 11:51 am EDT, Oct  4, 2002

The 6th largest 'unauthorized' nuclear power in the world is in violation of UN resolutions for 30 years, threatens to use their nuclear weapons on neighboring countries, refuses to allow weapons inspectors, arrests those who provide information on their nuclear capabilities while sending spies to the US to keep an eye on us. Iraq? Israel.

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Israel's arms inspector

A conservative makes his arguements against war with Iraq
Topic: Current Events 10:10 pm EDT, Sep 12, 2002

"So what's Iraq about? In the end, it's not about that nasty man or the nasty things he's collecting. It's about what the policy wonks call "destabilization." It's about taking the next step into a regional and a global chaos that could wreck this planet."

A conservative makes his arguements against war with Iraq

Data Leaking from LEDS
Topic: Technology 3:48 pm EST, Mar 12, 2002

This is a cool paper. Various devices, including modems, routers, disk drives and printers leak the data they are transmitting through their LEDs. This is much easier then "Tempest." The hardware required to recover this information costs like $10.

Data Leaking from LEDS

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