Canker sores, also known as aphthous ulcers, are small sores that occur inside the mouth. You can get them on the tongue and on the inside of the cheeks and lips — the parts of the mouth that can move. They usually pop up alone, but sometimes they show up in small clusters. Causes Canker Sores Toothpaste and Mouthwash - Believe it or not, your toothpaste could be what causes canker sores in your mouth. If it contains SLS, or sodium lauryl sulfate, then your toothpaste can create a higher rate of canker sores. SLS has a drying effect on the inside of your lips and gums. This makes the tissues on these areas much more accessible to acids found in many foods and drinks. There is not a single, explicit cause of canker sores despite the fact that they're quite common. However, injury to the inside of the mouth, emotional stress, and genetics play a part in increasing the risk of developing the condition.Immunological disorders, allergies, and hormonal imbalances also make certain individuals more likely to come down with a canker sore. Signs and Symptoms Small, white or yellow sores with red borders that appear on the inside of the mouth-on the tongue, gums, soft palate, or the inside surfaces of the cheeks and lips Sores may appear singly or in clusters Pain at the site Are There Prescription Medications Available As A Canker Sore Cure? Yes, there are quite a few prescription medications that your health care professional can prescribe to help as a canker sore treatment. Prescription medications like Peridex, Aphthasol, and Tetracycline can provide the help you're looking for. Canker Sore Treatment Acidophilus - Many folks are known to take 2-3 acidophilus tablets 3-4 times a day as a canker sore treatment. The key is to be sure the capsules have live cultures. Yogurt is another good option that contains the same ingredient. Plum Juice - Use 1-2 tablespoons of plum juice as a mouth wash and rinse with it for 2-3 minutes. Or, take a cotton ball soaked in plum juice and hold it against the canker sore for a few minutes. The most important thing you can do to prevent canker sores, or any health problem for that matter, is to practice a healthy lifestyle. Eat a variety of healthy foods, get plenty of sleep, and exercise several times per week. These simple steps will keep your immune system functioning well and your stress levels low. Read about Home Remedies Also Read about Home Remedies for Toothache and Home Remedies for Head Lice |