Bladder infections can be debilitating and painful. You will know it if you have one. The best thing to do is to catch it early on, by recognizing the symptoms. There are many of symptoms of bladder infections. The most common symptom is a frequent desire to empty the bladder, along with a burning sensation or even pain during urination. In some cases, the urine could be cloudy or foul-smelling, accompanied by a mild fever and shivering. A kidney infection may cause more serious symptoms, including high fever, chills, and nausea. This may be accompanied by cloudy or bloody urine, severe abdominal pain, a burning sensation in the genital area, and frequent urination. Back pain accompanies most kidney infections. Bladder infection symptoms should not be ignored, but must be discussed with a medical practitioner immediately. The best way to prevent a bladder infection is to wipe yourself the correct way after going to the bathroom. Since E. coli causes approximately 80% of urinary tract infections, it is important to remember to wipe from front to back every time you go to the bathroom in order to prevent the transfer of bacteria from the rectal area to the vaginal area. It is also important to keep the vaginal area as clean and dry (moisture encourages bacteria growth) as possible. Drinking plenty of water, at least six glasses a day, will also prove helpful in keeping urination regular and emptying the bladder often. This constant movement of urine will prevent bacteria from having the opportunity to grow inside the urinary tract. Cranberries are another treatment for bladder infections. The cranberries make the urine very acidic which makes a very bad environment for the growth of bacteria. The best way to use cranberries is by drinking 100% cranberry juice or by taking concentrated cranberry pills. Avoid cranberry juice 'cocktail' since it does not have enough natural cranberry in it to be effective. Why Is Vitamin C a Good Bladder Infection Treatment? Vitamin C is a good bladder infection treatment because it is believed that vitamin C can slow down the growth of E. coli. E. coli is the most common bacterial cause of urinary tract and bladder infection. There is also another reason why Vitamin C is a good bladder infection treatment, when taking supplements of over 4000 mg of vitamin C a day, the acidity of your urine slightly raises. Urine which is high in acidity is a less friendly environment for infection causing bacteria. You can also take an anti-inflammatory which will help with the pain and burning of a bladder infection, and reduce the inflammation in the bladder another thing you can try at home is a hot bath. This has said to provide many people with relief as well. These are just a couple home remedies to try you can prevent bladder infections by keeping up with good hygiene. It is a good idea to wear cotton underwear and avoid tight pants if bladder infections keep on occurring because this gives bacteria a chance to breathe which can kill some bacteria. Bladder infections occur because of bacteria so if there are no bacteria down there then there is no bladder infection, remember to shower everyday and wash well and always practice good hygiene. Read about Herbal Remedies and also read about Eczema Treatment and Back Pain Causes |