Final image dimensions: 78.797 x 31.565 pixels Number of pixels in final image: 2,487,227,305 (2.5 gigapixel) Final image file format: 24-bit colour bitmap Final image file size: 7.5 GBytes Number of source images: 600 Number of pixels in source images: 3,537,408,000 (600 images * 3008*1960) Lens focal length: 400 mm (equivalent to 600 mm on a 35 mm camera) Aperture: F22, Shutter speed: 1/100, ISO: 125 Horizontal field of view of final image: 93 degrees Time required to capture component images: 1 hour and 12 minutes Time required to match overlapping images: 20 hours Time required to optimise project: 4 hours Time required to compose the image: 3 full days using 5 high-end pcs Time required to blend seams / correct misalignments / finalise image: 2 days ... Check out the bus on the avenue to the right of center. There are other interesting artifacts from seaming the picture like disembodied torsos hovering down the sizewalk, etc. I even found someone picking their nose. 2.5 gigapixel photo montage with zoomer |