We did it! We raised over $25,000 for @EFF! We're going to match that so the total will be over $50,000! Thanks all for your support! :)
Glad I went with them and glad they hit their target. Will be interesting to hear the final tally tomorrow. Funny that GoDaddy put out a press release saying their name is now removed from the list of supporters of SOPA: "Go Daddy is no longer on the U.S. Congressional list of Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) supporters." That with their press releases that say they do not support SOPA and PIPA and Bob Parsons Twitter post that GD is against SOPA plus this: http://support.godaddy.com/godaddy/statement-about-sopa/?isc=smtwsup --- Go Daddy opposes SOPA because the legislation has not fulfilled its basic requirement to build a consensus among stake-holders in the technology and Internet communities. Our company regrets the loss of any of our customers, who remain our highest priority, and we hope to repair those relationships and win back their business over time. -Go Daddy CEO Warren Adelman --- I'd say there was an impact. Now it's time to take the fight to your Congress critters. Namecheap raises $50k for EFF |