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Death sentence tossed out over Bible
Topic: Current Events 10:48 pm EDT, May 23, 2003

] "If any case merits the death penalty, there cannot be
] serious debate about this case being that case," Vigil
] wrote. "The death penalty, however, must be imposed in a
] constitutional manner ... Jury resort to biblical code
] has no place in a constitutional death penalty
] proceeding."

Thank God (sic) there is still some sanity in the judicial system.

Laughing Boy

Death sentence tossed out over Bible

High-tech project aims to make super-soldiers
Topic: Technology 2:44 pm EDT, May 23, 2003

] It was once the stuff of science fiction movies: soldiers
] equipped with high-tech gear that made them stronger,
] swifter and smarter %u2014 invulnerable to bullets and
] able to survive the harshest conditions.
] On Thursday, the U.S. Army and the Massachusetts
] Institute of Technology unveiled a joint project that
] generals and scientists said could make fiction a reality
] within this decade.
] The new Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies at MIT
] will use a five-year, $50 million grant from the Army to
] develop tiny machines that are the size of molecules to
] give U.S. military personnel an edge on the battlefield.
] Some of the ideas being explored include battle suits
] that are embedded with tiny devices that can seal against
] chemical attack, administer immediate medical care and
] even %u2014 no joke, scientists say %u2014 give soldiers
] the power to leap small buildings.

I ***NEED*** some of those pants! :D

Laughing Boy

High-tech project aims to make super-soldiers

Strange Solar Eclipse on May 31
Topic: Science 1:27 pm EDT, May 23, 2003

] A partial eclipse of the Sun surrounded by strange
] circumstances is on tap for Saturday, May 31 and will be
] visible in parts of North America, Europe and the Middle
] East. The event could be quite spectacular at sunrise in
] Europe, especially in the United Kingdom.
] Looking directly at the Sun is dangerous, so proper
] viewing techniques (below) are necessary.
] The most impressive aspect of the event will be an
] annular, or ring eclipse, so named because the
] Moon%u2019s disk will be too small to completely cover
] the Sun%u2019s disk. The result is a ring of fire
] surrounding the black circle of the Moon. It's like a
] dull penny sitting atop a shiny nickel.
] Annular eclipses can occur because the Moon's orbit
] around Earth is not quite a circle. When the Moon is
] closer to Earth than average, a total solar eclipse can
] occur. When it is farther than average, an annular
] eclipse can result. The annular eclipse will be visible
] across a sparsely populated swath of Earth from Scotland
] to the Canadian Arctic.

Strange Solar Eclipse on May 31

Welcome to GIANTmicrobes!
Topic: Science 12:19 pm EDT, May 23, 2003

] We make stuffed animals that look like tiny microbes...
] Now available: The Common Cold, The Flu, Sore Throat, and
] Stomach Ache.

These are fucking leet as hell, but my only question is, where is the coronavirus?!?!? I WANT PLUSH SARS damnit:) - Nano

I want the whole freakin set! My favorite is "Martian Life"

Laughing Boy

Welcome to GIANTmicrobes!

Attitudes ease toward medical marijuana
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:04 am EDT, May 23, 2003

] Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich signed a law Thursday that
] will greatly reduce penalties for disease sufferers who
] use marijuana to relieve pain.
] The new law sets a maximum fine of $100 for "medical
] marijuana" users who have less than an ounce of the leaf.
] It makes Maryland the 10th state since 1996 to ease or
] eliminate sanctions for medical use of the herb, which
] gained wide use during the 1960s because of its euphoric
] effects.
] Maryland's move is a setback for the Bush administration,
] which had called on Ehrlich, a fellow Republican, to
] reject the measure.
] The White House has made marijuana a particular target of
] its anti-drug efforts, arguing that users often move on
] to more dangerous drugs. It has campaigned against
] medical marijuana proposals in several states, prosecuted
] distributors and growers of medical pot in California,
] and urged Canadian officials to reject a plan to
] eliminate criminal penalties for most marijuana users in
] that country.
] Despite those efforts, lawmakers in states across the
] nation have shown a willingness to separate marijuana
] from other banned drugs. That's largely because of claims
] by scientists and patients that the drug's most active
] ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), can ease pain and
] nausea and improve the appetites of those suffering from
] AIDS, cancer, glaucoma and other ailments.

ItÂ’s a step in the right direction, but as long as it remains a "controlled substance" (an oxymoron if ever there was one) with fines for possession, the illegal drug trade will continue to profit. C'mon folks - quit being so damn wishy-washy on decriminalization. It's gotta be all or nothing.

Attitudes ease toward medical marijuana

Penguin Warehouse, Inc. - Buy a Pet Penguin Today
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:19 pm EDT, May 22, 2003

] Welcome to the most respected, domesticated penguin
] dealer on the Internet! Relax and take a look around our
] site where you can find information on our company, our
] products, and what goes into the care of a penguin.
] Penguin Warehouse, Inc. sells certified purebred
] penguins, useful penguin books, and many other items to
] make you and your new pet happy.

Penguin Warehouse, Inc. - Buy a Pet Penguin Today

EPA's Whitman submits resignation letter
Topic: Current Events 6:06 am EDT, May 22, 2003

] Christie Whitman, sometimes cast as a lone voice on Bush
] environmental matters, announced Wednesday she will soon
] step down as administrator of the Environmental
] Protection Agency.
] In her resignation letter posted on the EPA's Web site,
] the former New Jersey governor cited a desire to spend
] more time with her family. Her resignation will be
] effective June 27.
] "I am proud of the work this agency has done and of the
] contributions it has made to the success of your
] administration," Whitman, 56, said in a letter addressed
] to President Bush and dated May 20. "... It has been a
] true honor to be able to lead this agency as it worked to
] implement the innovative, effective environmental
] policies to which you are so clearly committed." (Text of
] letter)
] Whitman is the most prominent woman to leave the
] administration.
] In a statement, Bush praised Whitman, saying she "served
] my administration exceptionally well."
] Environmentalists have long suggested Whitman was unhappy
] with the White House over several key environmental
] policies, but she has steadfastly said she was happy in
] her work.

SUUUURE she wants to spend more time with her family. Uh huh. Why is it that is ALWAYS the #1 excuse sighted when someone unexpectedly steps down from a post? /me thinks the truth is she just cant head an agency called the Environmental Protection Agency in an administration with such a shady environmental track record.

Laughing Boy

EPA's Whitman submits resignation letter

TouchGraph GoogleBrowser V1.01
Topic: Technology 10:38 pm EDT, May 21, 2003

Requires Java.

Visual Google Browser. Type in a URL, and it displays a visual representation of that URL and all the other URLs that are related to it (somewhat similar to, if you've played with that).

Extremely cool to look at and play with.

TouchGraph GoogleBrowser V1.01

They're only frequently asked questions because no-one reads the FAQ
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:04 pm EDT, May 21, 2003

so as you may or may not know the author of this article is the author and distributor of a few open source projects, one most notable project is the Airjack project...this is a tool (a driver actually) for raw 802.11 frame injection and the sort, its what i used to break things for my blackhat lecture...

i no longer actively maintain this project, but i still distribute it, and ill give help on it...and if someone has a really good question i really help and sometimes expand functionality...

anyways, i get email all the time about it, most of it them are asking for support on some level, most are actually polite, respectful, ie, dont piss me off...

every now and then i get a gem, one that is in leet speak, from the most vial script kiddie that has ever picked up a like to share some of the anger and frustration with you, the anonymous internet goer, in the hopes that i can somehow cathartically dispell these feelings...


ok first thing you need to know is this...if you are asking a stranger for free software that they spent time to write and make useful, then you are asking them for a favor...believe me there are many projects i work on and very very very few i make if you have any troubles with it, go about things as you would when asking a stranger for a favor...

i cant begin to tell you how often i get people upset because i didnt help them adiquitely in their eyes, or because i wont add a feature, or because it is hard to install, ive even been accused of embedding malicious viruses in my OPEN SOURCE code (something very untrue, its open source for god's sake)...

some ground rules before you ever email a free software project maintainer...

1) know what the program/tool is, that includes what its supposed to do, the general type of program it is (driver, user space application, command line, x app, etc), what os it runs on, what os it doesnt run on...and again, what its supposed to'd think that would be a prerequisite for even wanting a thing, but nope, later you'll see its not...

2) if you have trouble installing the program, this is not my problem...i clearly already have this installed and sence i owe you nothing, i have no obligation to help you install it...that said i made it public because i wanted to share, so i am more than happy to help you install it...

3) i dont write documentation because i like writing if i have any, documentation, i have it there to help you, not me, i already know how it read the documentation and dont ask me to paste it to you in email...the documentation is faster and bothers me less...

4) if you find a bug, its not my problem, i might fix it, i might not, your bug is your problem, not mine, if it works for me then im happy...thats not to say that i wont fix the bug, what that means is i have no obligation to fix the bug...believe me 99 times out of 100 im mo... [ Read More (2.3k in body) ]

They're only frequently asked questions because no-one reads the FAQ

Dividend Voodoo (
Topic: Business 9:07 am EDT, May 21, 2003

When Warren Buffet, formerly the richest man in America (he's down to #2 on the list at 30+ BILLION dollars) says this...

] Now the Senate says that dividends should be tax-free to
] recipients. Suppose this measure goes through and the
] directors of Berkshire Hathaway (which does not now pay a
] dividend) therefore decide to pay $1 billion in dividends
] next year. Owning 31 percent of Berkshire, I would
] receive $310 million in additional income, owe not
] another dime in federal tax, and see my tax rate plunge
] to 3 percent.
] And our receptionist? She'd still be paying about 30
] percent, which means she would be contributing about 10
] times the proportion of her income that I would to such
] government pursuits as fighting terrorism, waging wars
] and supporting the elderly. Let me repeat the point: Her
] overall federal tax rate would be 10 times what my rate
] would be.

I certainly hope someone is listening.

Dividend Voodoo (

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