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Diebold sueing away the truth...
Topic: Technology 4:38 pm EDT, Sep 15, 2003

] All files yanked by webhost at request of Diebold,
] Inc.
] A copy of the email is below. I received this 28 hours
] after the now-vanished files went live.
] While I am not a legal professional in any way, I firmly
] believe that these files, while copyrighted, carry
] credible evidence of illegal vote-accessing activity
] and thus are not covered under the DCMA due to the "dirty
] hands" defense, which disallows an entity seeking
] damages in cases involving illegal activities
] connected to that which is being protected.

Diebold sueing away the truth...

Yahoo! News - Barry Column Turns Table on Telemarketers
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:36 pm EDT, Sep 15, 2003

] The American Teleservices Association isn't laughing at
] Dave Barry, not after the Pulitzer Prize-winning humor
] columnist for The Miami Herald listed the group's
] telephone number in his Aug. 31 column and sparked a
] flood of phone calls to the group's offices.

Yahoo! News - Barry Column Turns Table on Telemarketers

When Bad Things Happen to Good Ideas - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - Magazine - Darwin Magazine
Topic: Technology 4:08 pm EDT, Sep 12, 2003

] KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT revolves around the concept that one
] of the most valuable corporate assets is the experience
] and expertise floating around inside employees' heads. In
] order to manage this intellectual capital, executives
] must devise a way to capture and share that knowledge
] with coworkers. If done right, KM is supposed to create a
] more collaborative environment, cut down on duplication
] of effort and encourage knowledge sharing

Stumbled over this looking for information about CereByte, a KM software company in Lake Oswego, Oregon.

When Bad Things Happen to Good Ideas - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - Magazine - Darwin Magazine

Rape, Race, and The Death Penalty
Topic: Current Events 3:59 pm EDT, Sep 12, 2003

A fascinating analysis of Coker v. Georgia, and its relevance to the recent sentencing to death of Patrick Kennedy for the rape of a 12-year-old girl.

Rape, Race, and The Death Penalty

Westerners Pretty Rich
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:58 am EDT, Sep 12, 2003

] You may think your salary is paltry, but compared with
] most of the world's population, you're up there with Bill
] Gates.

don't forget how good you have it!

Westerners Pretty Rich

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