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So I says to Mable, I says...

Economic View: What if a Sales Tax Were the Only Tax?
Topic: Business 1:37 pm EDT, Oct 17, 2004

] At the moment, homeowners can deduct interest they pay on
] their mortgages from their income taxes. Without an
] income tax, this subsidy, long seen as part of what made
] the American dream come true, would disappear. Bringing
] it back, perhaps through direct grants, would require
] raising the national sales tax rate to 21 percent.

a great analysis on why flat taxes, whether income or sales, would not work very well.

Economic View: What if a Sales Tax Were the Only Tax?

:: gameboyzz orchestra project ::
Topic: Arts 12:39 pm EDT, Oct 13, 2004

This project is like a hattrick for me. An art project that produces music from playing classic video games, AND their from POLAND!

:: gameboyzz orchestra project ::

Long-Lost Jules Verne Short Story 'The Camera-Phone' Found
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:39 am EDT, Oct 13, 2004

Funny for the day!

Long-Lost Jules Verne Short Story 'The Camera-Phone' Found

Hockey's gone, but who cares?
Topic: Sports 11:19 am EDT, Oct 13, 2004

] We knew the lockout was coming. We knew it would be ugly.
] We were not prepared for the ease with which both sides
] - owners and players - would let a great sport
] slip into irrelevance.


Hockey's gone, but who cares?

Voices Of Innovation: Steve Jobs
Topic: Business 11:15 am EDT, Oct 11, 2004

Q: How do you systematize innovation?

A: You don't. You hire good people who will challenge each other every day to make the best products possible. That's why you don't see any big posters on the walls around here, stating our mission statement. Our corporate culture is simple.

Voices Of Innovation: Steve Jobs

Badnarik & Cobb arrested at debate in STL
Topic: Current Events 12:57 pm EDT, Oct  9, 2004

When Decius asks "how democratic is your country?" you can look at this article and answer "not very".

This just highlights the devicevness of our current society even more. Without a blurring of two extremes, we will never truly unite and accomplish much. The current presidential election is not about ideology as much as it's about execution. If we truly want choice, and we truly want to fashion policies that are considerate of reality, then we've GOT to bring more than two extremes to the table.

Badnarik & Cobb arrested at debate in STL

Etech Club Home page from Central High School, Phoenix, AZ
Topic: Technology 5:17 pm EDT, Oct  7, 2004

The home page for the ETech Club, makers of the first documented vehicle to run on sunshine and water.

Etech Club Home page from Central High School, Phoenix, AZ

Powered by sunlight
Topic: Technology 4:51 pm EDT, Oct  7, 2004

] The truck is hydrogen-powered and creates its own fuel
] from solar energy and water, a technical feat that rivals
] the advanced technology being researched by major auto
] companies and universities.

Dammit. I've got my own project using this same process running in the back yard right now, but I'm not this far ahead. Good to see that my assumptions about scalability and efficiency are not too far off.

Powered by sunlight

Membrane Breakthrough for Fuel Cells
Topic: Technology 12:15 pm EDT, Oct  6, 2004

] This morning, a California company, PolyFuel, plans to
] announce that it has achieved a breakthrough in fuel-cell
] membranes by using an alternative material: a hydrocarbon
] that it says costs only about half as much per square
] meter.

Membrane Breakthrough for Fuel Cells

Stripe Snoop on TSS: WMV Video clip
Topic: Technology 9:38 pm EDT, Oct  3, 2004

] Stripe Snoop was showcased on G4TechTV's The Screen
] Savers. However, I have little beef with one of the
] hosts, Kevin Rose. Rose manages to do a 4 minute bit,
] using my software, my hardware, even my exact reader
] modification, and mentions Stripe Snoop once. Once! And
] for all my hard work on the matter, I am mentioned ...
] not at all. Yes, your humble author whose work Rose
] basicly jacks isn't even mentioned. Even Rose's
] introduction, "The other day I looked in my wallet and
] wondered...," was lifted directly from this site. He even
] uses a photo from my website in the production. While I
] enjoy the exposure, and indeed the web stats show I nice
] bump, Rose does not give credit where credit is due.
] Somehow I can't see Leo Laporte being a jackass like
] that.

Maybe instead of ranting about his miscue, you should send him a nice thank you email for featuring your work. Sometimes being a gentleman and giving the ole tip o the hat works wonders in the karma department!

btw - great tool!

Stripe Snoop on TSS: WMV Video clip

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