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So I says to Mable, I says...

The Official Site of Danny Way | Photos
Topic: Sports 9:58 am EDT, Aug 26, 2005

This dude jumped the Great Wall on his skateboard. Next stop, Springfield Gorge!

The Official Site of Danny Way | Photos

Homeschooled boy's books score big - movie deal for next year
Topic: Arts 9:57 am EDT, Aug 26, 2005

"Christopher Paolini is 21 now, and he's had his Letterman gig and his Time magazine interviews and the thrill of seeing his fantasy novel, "Eragon," ride the best-seller lists for 100 weeks, in one version or another. There's even a Hollywood film in the works.
...He has an avuncular, precociously adult manner of speaking -- like a tweedy professor with elbow patches. The effect is startling but ultimately charming, because Paolini is so genuine, with a matter-of-fact self-confidence that's rare for his age. For that, he thanks mom and dad, who homeschooled him and his younger sister, Angela.

"I certainly give credit to my parents," Paolini said, "because they taught us never to be afraid -- to stand up and speak our mind, to talk to people as equals even if they are quite a bit older.

"My sister and I have never been in public schools. We never had the experience of being put down, of being told not to stand out. We were who we were." "

Homeschooled boy's books score big - movie deal for next year

RE: Kitten Cannon - Presented by Addicting Games
Topic: Games 9:55 am EDT, Aug 26, 2005

Mike the Usurper wrote:
Okay, it's wrong, but so what.

RE: Kitten Cannon - Presented by Addicting Games

Topic: Arts 9:46 am EDT, Aug 25, 2005

MemeStreams user Infinite and his friends do a bad ass Drum and Bass set which is streamcast from here every Thursday night 10PM Central 11PM Eastern. They also host Jungle Nerd Radio which offers more beats every Wednesday at 9PM Central 10PM Eastern. Blast these beatz and show Senator Biden and his camo clad buddies from Utah where they can shove their law and order!


OLN-NHL venture could lead to competition for ESPN
Topic: Sports 5:33 pm EDT, Aug 22, 2005

Also, as part of the deal, Comcast now must carry the NHL Network -- previously available only in Canada -- on its digital-tier subscriber packages. Games on OLN will be shown in high-definition TV


OLN-NHL venture could lead to competition for ESPN

R Todd King: China Photos 2005 - Harbin Winter
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:47 pm EDT, Aug 22, 2005

In Canada there are snow festivals in the winter in which people make elaborate scupltures out of ice and snow. Nothing I recall seeing up there in the early 80s came remotely close to this. It might be that technology has improved in the past 20 years. It might be that the Chinese are simply taking this a lot more seriously. In any event, the results are simply amazing. Massive functional buildings made entirely of ice and filled with lights!

another good reason to go to China.

R Todd King: China Photos 2005 - Harbin Winter

Brain cancer claims the life of Robert Moog
Topic: Arts 10:48 am EDT, Aug 22, 2005

Robert Moog, whose Moog synthesizers are as influential in modern music as they have been to jazz and rock since the late 1960s, died Sunday. He was 71.

Everything you have heard in the last 35 years has been influenced by this man. We will surely miss you Dr. Moog.

Brain cancer claims the life of Robert Moog

Mr. Housing Bubble: T-Shirt Humor: The Funny T-Shirt Store
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:02 pm EDT, Aug 21, 2005

"If I pop, you're screwed!"

Mr. Housing Bubble: T-Shirt Humor: The Funny T-Shirt Store

Update on Bob Moog's Health
Topic: Arts 10:13 pm EDT, Aug 18, 2005

All my thoughts are with the family and friends of Bob Moog in what sounds like a profoundly difficult time; an update on the CaringBridge page today reports Hospice has been called in and Dr. Moog is facing serious challenges with treatment.

Our hearts and prayers are with you Bob!

Update on Bob Moog's Health

Nothing less than a revolution will do
Topic: Current Events 5:32 pm EDT, Aug 17, 2005

There are just two things to know about Li. First, he grew up in a poor farming community. This makes him hungry.

Second, he comes from Zhejiang, China's heart of capitalism. Zhejiang entrepreneurs are bold beyond words. They scare even the savvy Shanghai business people.

Yes Virginia, the Chinese threat is real.

Nothing less than a revolution will do

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