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So I says to Mable, I says... |
92 Years Old Ed Bacon Skateboards in LOVE Park |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
2:39 pm EST, Nov 29, 2002 |
] "Who is Ed Bacon? For starters he is the father of Kevin ] Bacon. But more importantly, he is the architect who ] created LOVE Park, Dilworth Plaza (in front of City Hall) ] and the Municipal Services plaza. Basically he is the ] accidental genius behind creating the perfect atmosphere ] for street skateboarding. ] ] So why is he protesting? Ed Bacon thinks it's a shame ] that the city is turning its back on skateboarders." What is it about age that makes people so closed minded. Why is it that this story seems ironic? 92 Years Old Ed Bacon Skateboards in LOVE Park |
Hi-tech workplace no better than factories |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
2:03 pm EST, Nov 27, 2002 |
I have always said that the information revolution paralleled the industrial revolution very closely. For anyone who has worked in the IT industry, this is so obvious. Hi-tech workplace no better than factories |
Email Ettiquette for Busy People |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
11:24 am EST, Nov 25, 2002 |
While these sorts of things don't irk me nearly as much as when I had a job and had Things To Do(tm), they still seem to creep into much of the consulting work I do now, and I don't relish seeing them again when/if I rejoin the workforce. Email Ettiquette for Busy People |
Topic: Business |
1:09 am EST, Nov 25, 2002 |
I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but it is a fairly humerous spoof on the series of commercials Apple started running a year or so ago. This one is the 'Apple Gamer.' You can grab it here: (13.8mb .mov) http://www.drunkgamers.com/archives/000305.shtml or here: (5.5mb zipped .wmv) http://www.fileplanet.com/files/110000/110494.shtml -- This is awesome!!!! :) Apple/Mac Gamer? |
All I want for xmas is to blow you up |
Topic: Games |
12:33 am EST, Nov 25, 2002 |
These are so cool! They are tiny RC tanks that can shoot at each other via infrared. They have real working treads (no wheels), they recoil when they fire, and they spin around and flash when hit. The controllers keep up with the number of hits and allow you to play different games. You can have up to four tanks fighting at once you assign each one a different ID. They arent officially available in the US yet, so you have to buy them on eBay or from an international retailer (~$50). Internally they are very similar to Bit Char-G Japanese RC cars, which are also quite cool. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1790544656 Heres a little FAQ about them
http://tinyrc.com/forums/showthread.php?s=f4f055ef074f883ea2b31f7921661c80&threadid=1251 |
High Power RocketCam Videos |
Topic: Science |
11:08 am EST, Nov 20, 2002 |
What happens when the founder of Xircom and his brother bolt a DV Camcorder to the side of a 200 lb. model rocket and press the red button? The incredible movies (with sound!) at Gates Bros. Rocketry tell the tale. The quality of these movies is by far the best I've seen from the "strap a camera to a flying toy" community. They have a nice gallery of still photos too. If only everyone named Gates did stuff this cool High Power RocketCam Videos |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
5:32 pm EST, Nov 19, 2002 |
Someone needs to do a non-ironic version of this site and feature several notable Tennesseans. Two Crazy White People |
Topic: Sports |
11:42 am EST, Nov 19, 2002 |
Manute Bol's hockey career apparently is over. NHL2Nite's coverage said that he took his skates off after the first period and signed autographs the rest of the game. Still, I would've loved to see him (attempt to) skate. Size 23 shin pads |