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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

RE: Air Traffic control: Atlanta
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:05 am EDT, Aug 11, 2004

] This is a pretty neat site. You can see what the air traffic
] controllers are seeing and you can hear them talking to the
] jets. Check it out:)

RE: Air Traffic control: Atlanta

Onion | US Military Clears A-Team of all charges
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:01 am EDT, Aug 11, 2004

This Week's Onion Must-Read

WASHINGTON, DC—After more than 30 years spent hiding in the Los Angeles underground as wanted criminals, the members of the crack commando unit Alpha Team, commonly known as the A-Team, were cleared of all charges brought against them by the U.S. military, an army official announced Monday.

"In 1972, we arrested the members of the A-Team for a crime they swore they didn't commit," Gen. Stephen Lupo said. "They broke out of our maximum-security stockade, and from that moment forth, I thought of nothing but their recapture. However, a recent audit of their file has revealed that the arrest of the Alpha Force members was made in error. The U.S. military deeply regrets the mistake."

According to Lupo, the A-Team members' exoneration will occur before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces on Aug. 24.

Just hours after Lupo's announcement was made, Cpt. H.M. "Howlin' Mad" Murdock, the A-Team's pilot, resurfaced to speak with journalist Amy Allen, who often reported on the mercenaries' charitable acts.

"For decades, we've been forced to live in the shadows," Murdock said. "Somehow, we always found a way to help people who had nowhere else to turn, but we operated under the constant threat of recapture. Finally, the nightmare is over."

Onion | US Military Clears A-Team of all charges

That's No Moon!
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:25 am EDT, Jul 28, 2004

The Death Star is in orbit around Saturn!!!!!!

That's No Moon!

Why Innovations Sit on the Shelf
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:37 am EDT, Jul 21, 2004

] Why are so many businesses%u2014though seemingly intent
] on fostering innovation%u2014unable to get new products
] through their organizations and into the marketplace?

Why Innovations Sit on the Shelf

Is it Lies and Crap that wins?
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:10 am EDT, Jul 13, 2004

] Traditional concepts of scale economies applied to
] production--the more steel you made, the more cheaply you
] could make each additional ton, because fixed costs can
] be spread. Much of the path-dependence literature is
] concerned with economies of consumption, where a good
] becomes cheaper or more valuable to the consumer as more
] other people also have it; if lots of people have DOS
] computers, then more software will be available for such
] machines, for instance, which makes DOS computers better
] for consumers. This sort of "network externality" is even
] more important when literal networks are involved, as
] with phones or fax machines, where the value of the good
] depends in part on how many other people you can connect
] to.

an interesting discussion of market dependancies, false memes, and other nefarious imperfections which seem to dominate us.

Is it Lies and Crap that wins?

James Doohan, 'Trek's' Scotty, has Alzheimer's
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:19 pm EDT, Jul  8, 2004

not good old scotty! :(

James Doohan, 'Trek's' Scotty, has Alzheimer's

Why the FCC should die
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:23 pm EDT, Jun  9, 2004

] Its justification for existence was weak 70 years ago,
] but advances in technology since then have eliminated
] whatever arguments remained. Central planning didn't work
] for the Soviet Union, and it's not working for us. The
] FCC is now an agency that does more harm than good.

Why the FCC should die

Land of the ... Kafkaesque?
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:22 pm EDT, Jun  4, 2004

Originally from the Washington Post, this is a personal story by a man who (like me) loves the USA but becomes more disillusioned by the day. For some time, there have been commentators who note that the ultimate Orwellian society would be based on "Freedom and Democracy". After all, as Orwell points out, an endless war (against "terrorism"?) is an unlimited mandate for totalitarianism in the name of democracy ...

Land of the ... Kafkaesque?

April Winchell: Multimedia
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:58 pm EDT, May 26, 2004

This is the motherlode of obscure and often hilarious audio and video faux pas.

April Winchell: Multimedia

More from ebay
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:05 pm EDT, May 17, 2004

There are many reasons you might wish to purchase the 75-piece set of amazingly heinous gold-plated Versace flatware I've recently come to possess through no fault of my own.

Perhaps you are an angry gay attorney with a lot of disposable income, desperately searching for a collection of cutlery to complement the glossy black dining table, blue sofa and neon waterfall in your tastelessly decorated domain.

More from ebay

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