Real Name: JR Bob Dobbs
Age: 43
School or Occupation: ARMY Infantry
ICQ: 8789952
Yahoo Messenger: painjunkey
Homepage: http://------------------------------/
Other Contact Information: Yes thats my real email and domain heh.
About Me: flip
v. flipped, flip·ping, flips
v. tr.
To throw or toss with a light brisk motion: flipped me the ball; flipped his hair out of his eyes.
To toss in the air, imparting a spin: flip a coin.
To turn over or around, especially with a light quick motion: flip over a card; flipped the tape to play the other side.
To turn through; leaf: flipped the pages of the report.
To strike quickly or lightly; flick.
To move or act on with a quick motion: flip a switch; flipped open her briefcase.