] The second wave of a Martian invasion will start Saturday ] night with the arrival of NASA's Spirit rover on the Red ] Planet. Timeline: - 12/25/2003: Europe's Beagle 2 (named after Darwin's vessel) may or may not have come to a safe landing. The bouncing landings can send a craft a half-mile away from an intended landing site, so it may have bounced itself into a crater. - 12/25-12/31: NASA's Mars Odyssey tried to pick up signals from Beagle 2 every time it passed over the landing site, to no avail. - Saturday evening, 1/3: JPL's Mars Rover "Spirit" attempts to bounce to a landing at 11:35 p.m. ET. - Tuesday, 1/6: The European mothership Mars Express will orbit Mars and attempt to pick up a signal from the AWOL Beagle 2. This will be the first of four attempts, scheduled for January 6th, 12th, 13th, and 17th. More info about the Search for Beagle here: http://planetary.org/html/news/articlearchive/headlines/2003/beagle2search.html - January 24th, a second Mars Rover, Opportunity will attempt to bounce to its own landing. Good luck to all! Elonka :) Next attempt to land on Mars on Saturday, 1/3/2004 |