Satirical "commentary" about the Fellowship of the Ring, from a different perspective on Good and Evil. In this commentary, Frodo is a Mohammed Atta character being sent on a suicide mission, the elves are militaristic genocide-mongers who are promoting an orc apartheid, the Black Riders are "misunderstood", the orcs are fighting a war of self-defense against the invading Fellowship, and Gandalf is a dictator attempting to control the media . . . ] This takes me back to the media's involvement in all ] this, and the way the media is being controlled by ] Gandalf, such as when he covers Saruman's palantir in ] Orthanc. This is the stone that allows one to see, and ] thus communicate with, different cultures. Question everything. ;) 'Unused' Commentary on The Fellowship of the Ring - Is peace with the orcs possible? |