] "Selon CNN, qui évoque un documentaire ] d'Al-Jazeera, les terroristes auraient communiqué par ] chat internet avec un message codé, mais tout ce qu'il y ] a de plus anodin ; et point de stégano, ni de crypto. ] Voir également la conférence d'Elonka Dunin, experte ] ès-crypto et stégano, qui conclue elle aussi que les ] terroristes n'ont vraisemblablement pas utilisé de tels ] outils & méthodes." This is from a French Information/Privacy site ("Pas de Libertés sans Vie Privées" == No Freedom Without Privacy) that has a page discussing steganography and the paranoia concerning the "porno-terroristes". The above quote is referring to the CNN article and my own presentation as sources, and stating that though terrorists did use codes, they probably didn't use elaborate digital steganographic techniques. Regarding the site itself, there is an English-language page available which covers some basics about the group, but to actually follow the stego discussion, you'll need to use an online translator such as http://babelfish.altavista.com (unless of course you're fluent in French!). In a nutshell, think of it sort of like a Slashdot thread for French-speakers. Terrorisme : les dessous de la filière porno |