This paper, by Bonnie A. Nardi, Diane J. Schiano, Michelle Gumbrecht and Luke Swartz, is a concise report on why people blog, what keeps them blogging and why some people abandon their weblogs. "Most bloggers are acutely aware of audience, even in flagrantly confessional blogs, calibrating what they will and will not reveal. Many bloggers explained that they have a kind of personal code of ethics thatdictates what goes into their blogs, such as never criticizing friends or expressing political opinions that are openly inflammatory. Not that bloggers eschew controversyquite the oppositebut they typicallyexpress themselves in light of their audience." The paper also is linked from the coursepages for "Computing and Cyberspace," along with other good essays and readings. link opens a PDF. (via jeremy) 'I'm Blogging This' A Closer Look at Why People Blog |