] After examining numerous frames of video footage [C-SPAN ] 30 Sept 04] I have come to the professional opinion that ] either George Bush was wearing a wireless ] prompter/queuing system on the night of the debates, or ] our president is growing some kind of mutant dorsal fin. ] By very carefully examining the movement of his body and ] how it interacts with his suit jacket it is easy to rule ] out the possibility "the bulge" is simply a wrinkle in ] his clothing or a problem with bad lighting. The thing is -- it doesn't matter. By the time this is resolved, if it is resolved, it will either be academic or suppressed. It didn't help his performance, or if it did... damn. They've got great deniability -- he lost anyway. If we want to be really conspiratorial, we can imagine it was a test run for the third and most painful debate... Eh. I'd like to know. Bush's mystery bulge |