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It's always easy to manipulate people's feelings. - Laura Bush


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Current Topic: Politics and Law

Guardian Unlimited | US elections 2004 | President admits war on terror cannot be won
Topic: Politics and Law 7:34 pm EDT, Aug 30, 2004

] After months of listening to the Republicans base their
] campaign on their singular ability to win the war on
] terror, the president now says we can't win the war on
] terrorism," John Edwards, the Democratic vice
] presidential candidate, said. "This is no time to declare
] defeat - it won't be easy and it won't be quick, but we
] have a comprehensive long-term plan to make America
] safer. And that's a difference."

1. Bush is right. You cannot win the war on terror any better then you can win the war on drugs.
2. People do not understand that and do not want to hear it.
3. Edwards is intentionally taking his statement out of context. Nothing about saying you can't "win" the war on terror admits defeat in the war on terror. Its not binary.
4. People will believe Edwards.

Guardian Unlimited | US elections 2004 | President admits war on terror cannot be won

VeriSign's Anti-Trust Claim Against ICANN Dismissed
Topic: Politics and Law 3:26 pm EDT, Aug 27, 2004

] ICANN confirmed today that Judge A. Howard Matz of the
] U.S. District Court, Central District of California has
] issued an order dismissing VeriSign, Inc.'s anti-trust
] claims against ICANN, with prejudice. In dismissing
] VeriSign's anti-trust claims, Judge Matz noted that
] VeriSign had failed in its first amended complaint to
] sufficiently allege an anti-trust claim.

Today is a good day!!

VeriSign's Anti-Trust Claim Against ICANN Dismissed - Free Speech: Use It or Lose It
Topic: Politics and Law 12:32 am EDT, Aug 25, 2004

These guys are of the "I'm so far left I think the Taliban were in the right and should still be in power" side of the fence. I usually hate those guys. Then again, those guys usually think disabling a bus is an act of speech.

In this case I found them entertaining. These signs are cool. I guess its because I have respect for real acts of speech. Particularly when they are subversive, without being coercive. - Free Speech: Use It or Lose It

The New York Times - Republican Now Opposes War in Iraq
Topic: Politics and Law 12:51 am EDT, Aug 19, 2004

] Republican leadership aides did not respond to a request
] for comment on Mr. Bereuter's switch on an issue where
] most Republicans strongly back the president. But on CNN,
] Senator Saxby Chambliss, a Georgia Republican who
] previously served on the House panel with Mr. Bereuter,
] said, "Doug has the right to his opinion, and that is
] what makes our country so great."

Dude, you sound like your trying to convince yourself. Like you want to have him arrested, but you can't, and you're reminding yourself why...

The New York Times - Republican Now Opposes War in Iraq

Astroturfing the BC'04 way
Topic: Politics and Law 12:38 am EDT, Aug 19, 2004

] The GW04 site has handy templates for letters to the
] editor. See the top one on the list:
] "New job figures and other recent economic data show that
] America's economy is strong and getting stronger - and
] that the President's jobs and growth plan is working. The
] Labor Department announced that employers added 288,000
] new jobs in April. In total, over 1.1 million jobs have
] been added since August, with 8 consecutive months of
] gains."
] Now google that entire phrase, and see the results. About
] 60 newspapers have run that letter...

Got a problem with your economy running out of steam a few months before the big election? Call AstroSpam, Inc!! We'll write letters to every newspaper in the country that gloss right over the recent jobs data as if it didn't even exist. Your idiot constituents won't know what the hell is really going on, but they will remember to vote for you. AstroSpam, your source for wide spread bullshit.

Astroturfing the BC'04 way

RE: About That Iraq Vote
Topic: Politics and Law 10:30 am EDT, Aug 16, 2004

noteworthy wrote:

] How much does he think the addition of French and German
] soldiers would have improved things?

That, btw, is a very stupid question. Countries like France, Germany, and Canada are not terribly useful in terms of the amount of actual soldiers and military hardware that they provide. The equipment and troops they do provide are not useless, and the sacrifices made by those men and women should be respected as one would respect any soldier's sacrifice. But ultimately, its about money.

Those countries provide significant amounts of financing to cover the operational costs of large U.S. troop deployments that they support. Lack of solid international support for Iraq ][ has significatly increased our national deficit. And an unlikely future scenario (which Al Q certainly hopes for) would be a rift between Europe and the US which was so deep that anti-terror efforts would loose international financial support. The U.S. would have significant difficulty paying for operations without causing major impacts on livelyhood back home. The economy would suffer. Flexibility would be limited.

RE: About That Iraq Vote

PBS | I, Cringely Why we send more people to prison then we should
Topic: Politics and Law 2:52 pm EDT, Aug 13, 2004

] The Block and Nold study, which was intended to
] economically validate the proposed sentencing guidelines,
] instead showed that the new guidelines would actually
] create more crime than they would deter. More crime, more
] drug use, more robbery, more murder would be the result,
] not less.

A little out of Cringely's league perhaps? But very interesting...

PBS | I, Cringely Why we send more people to prison then we should

The Problem With the CIA
Topic: Politics and Law 2:46 am EDT, Aug  3, 2004

There is a corporate culture in America that says as long as the process is adhered to, people have done their jobs. Orderly, predictable processes that can be clearly mapped and explained are not an end in themselves. The time and effort spent on them can be justified in only one way: success. Over and over, the lovers of ISO 9000, 9001 and endless other standards confuse the means with the end. They embrace order -- even when it leads to failure.

That is what happened at the CIA: A culture of process destroyed a culture of excellence. There are many outstanding people at the agency, in both the Directorate of Intelligence and in Operations. The agency's obsession with the intelligence process crushes these people daily. Those who flourish in this environment are those who can sit through long meetings without falling asleep. The people who can peer through the darkness and see the truth are either sucked into the surreal world of modern management or shunted aside.

Jeremy says: Gold Star.

I say: This link is on Free Republic. They are a bad reputation for being the Republican version of the Slashdot hordes. All power in numbers and no clue. However, the article is Stratfor, and hence worthy of attention. It reads a bit Republican, which is likely why the freepers have posted it. I'm not sure that it is. Stratfor likes to talk about what is going on and why. They don't usually talk about what might have been done. Its rare that they talk about what ought to be done.

The Problem With the CIA

John Kerry's real tech agenda | Perspectives | CNET
Topic: Politics and Law 1:30 pm EDT, Aug  2, 2004

] Intel Executive Vice President Leslie Vadasz told the
] committee that Hollings' idea was a brain-dead approach
] that ignored Silicon Valley's concerns in favor of those
] raised by Hollywood lobbyists.
] Kerry's advice? "We might need to legislate," he said,
] ignoring Vadasz's objections.

I think I've mentioned before that Kerry's website sort of flirted with the copyright maximalists. Well, turns out he supported the Fritz Chip. He also seems to like Key Escrow. Now I do think tech issues are a side item in this election. I'm not voting on them. Nor do I think Bush's stances are any better. But if Kerry wins, don't expect any changes in this regard.

John Kerry's real tech agenda | Perspectives | CNET : Text of Al Sharpton's Convention Speech
Topic: Politics and Law 12:56 pm EDT, Aug  1, 2004

] If I told you tonight, Let's leave the Fleet Center, we're
] in danger, and when you get outside, you ask me, Reverend
] Al, What is the danger? and I say, It don't matter. We
] just needed some fresh air, I have misled you and we were
] misled.

Sharpton varied greatly from his prepared speech and many of the networks apparently cut him off... : Text of Al Sharpton's Convention Speech

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