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Current Topic: Physics

TP: Bubble Fusion takes next hurdle
Topic: Physics 1:04 am EDT, Jul 18, 2005

In addition, he questions the independence of the researchers.

Taleyarkhan teaches physics at Purdue University, and Xu and Butt work in his laboratory. The two acknowledge that Taleyarkhan helped them designing and setting up the acoustic test cell. As Purdue communicated, the experiments had begun when Taleyarkhan was still employed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and had been finished before Xu and Butt joined his lab. "We did our experiment and data analysis independently", says Xu.

Another article on the bubble fusion result, peppered with interesting links. We should soon know if this can be reproduced.

TP: Bubble Fusion takes next hurdle

Scientist opens gate to new elements
Topic: Physics 5:22 pm EST, Nov  6, 2003

] By applying electrical pressure to neighboring atoms of
] two different elements, such as iron and silver, Gleiter
] said an electron deficit or excess can be stimulated
] among the bordering atoms to create a composite material
] that has properties in between the two elements.

This is actually really really neat... Anyone got more information? Can we experiment with this at home?

Scientist opens gate to new elements

BBC NEWS | Technology | Water sparks new power source
Topic: Physics 8:48 am EDT, Oct 20, 2003

] The team created a glass block, two centimetres in diameter
] and three millimetres thick, containing about 400,000 to
] 500,000 individual channels.
] Thanks to a phenomenon called the electric double layer,
] when water flows through these 10-micron-diameter-wide
] channels, a positive charge is created at one end of the
] block and a negative charge at the other - just like a
] conventional battery.

Canadian team invents new power source, no moving parts, may be useful for powering nanotech devices.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Water sparks new power source

Here They Are, Science's 10 Most Beautiful Experiments
Topic: Physics 5:39 pm EDT, Sep 24, 2002

Ultimately, science comes down to the individual mind grappling with something mysterious.

Physics World magazine recently asked physicists to nominate the most beautiful experiment of all time. The 10 winners were largely solo performances, involving at most a few assistants.

What they have in common is that they epitomize the elusive quality scientists call beauty. This is beauty in the classical sense; confusion and ambiguity are momentarily swept aside, and something new about nature becomes clear.

Here They Are, Science's 10 Most Beautiful Experiments

Second law of thermodynamics more like a suggestion at nano scale
Topic: Physics 1:30 pm EDT, Jul 20, 2002

"One of the most fundamental rules of physics, the second law of thermodynamics, has for the first time been shown not to hold for microscopic systems."

Second law of thermodynamics more like a suggestion at nano scale

'Lifters': An Idea in the Clouds
Topic: Physics 12:34 am EDT, May 13, 2002

"Antigravitational devices developed by a computer geek could eventually change the world as we know it.

Or they may just blow a few holes into some barn roofs. "

Weird Science... This is a strange article with some fun links...

'Lifters': An Idea in the Clouds

Historical Nuclear Weapons Test Films
Topic: Physics 5:02 am EST, Nov  6, 2001

An archive of historical DOE and military films, available in both MPEG and in streaming RealVideo. Includes video of the well-known test at the Trinity Site in New Mexico. At present, the archive contains 73 films from the 1940's through the 1970's.

Online video is just a sample, but you can order any of these tapes for $10!!

Historical Nuclear Weapons Test Films

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