] This is in a nutshell the challenge put foward to every ] candidate and product that needs to succeed on TV in the ] modern media cycle. There's no background or context in a ] thirty second spot; Crossfire only has time for a a few ] minutes of'he said, she said' fight before signing off ] for commercial. Because this reactionary media cycle ] dominates, political culture has become deeply ] conservative and inimical to conversing with voters, ] frightened to be 'off message' for fear of a fifteen ] second remark derailing a multi-year strategy. This has ] in turn created a political pseudo-scandal industry ] dedicated to creating and exploiting fifteen second ] moments for political gain, with the only check being an ] inherently limited amount of information to exploit. Awesome commentary on the oil and water mix of weblogs and the mass media political scandal machine in the context of a scandal involving the Daily Kos. Webblogs and the political scandal industry |