] All of those guys were talking about the present, that's ] what science fiction writers really do. I've been struck ] lately rereading Brave New World and 1984 at the extent ] to which both of these visions, which would seem to be ] completely contradictory, have turned out to be true and ] in fact complementary. You have the totalitarian thought ] control and language modification of 1984 going on: I ] mean, consider the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" ] -- completely Orwellian in use. And at the same time you ] have something like the feelies from Brave New World ] which are the soporific media message that puts everyone ] to sleep. Both of those things are happening ] simultaneously. The totalitarian message is being ] transmitted while you're zoned out in front of the ] television watching the feelies, high on soma -- which is ] some combination of Prozac and Budweiser. JPB in Mother Jones. Lots of stuff covered before here, but a few choice metaphores. MotherJones.com | John Perry Barlow Interview |