My thoughts on Star Wars? Everything the critics said was right. The dialog is flat. Some of the acting is off (esp. the first few scenes). The movie gets damn slow in the middle. The politics seem real, the emotion seems empty. One of the most critical moments in the development of Darth Vader is obviously on an editing room floor somewhere because someone decided it was too screwed up to show to children. But you're going to go see it and you're going to enjoy it. You'll enjoy it because there are flying cars racing across an urban landscape that makes Hong Kong seem "quaint" while John Williams' awesome score blasts away in the background. You'll enjoy it because you want to fuck Natalie Portman. You'll enjoy it because Yoda fights with a light saber better then Neo fights with a gun. Ultimately, Star Wars isn't about the action and adventure on screen. Its about the action and adventure you create in your head as you "fly" home from the theater.... Star Wars is 2 and a half hours of inspiration for idle day dreaming... Use the force, dude. Only other point worth making is that the use of security fears to convince the democracy to vote itself away is a rather eery unintended warning cast upon current events. HoloNet News | Anti-War Rally Dispersed by Senate Guard |