Throughout the festival, BBH strategically placing homeless individuals around downtown Austin with cards that explain the Homeless Hotspots program. Should individuals find themselves in a WiFi dead zone, they can contact the person that gave them the card, and the person will find and provide them with a hotspot for the suggested donation for $2 per 15 minutes of service, with all proceeds going to support the Front Steps Shelter.
I can't decide how I feel about this. It seems like something William Gibson would throw into one of his novels in order to make world seem strange. More... Even More... These folks obviously signed on to the project, and the cool thing is that their stories are front and center on the website. Hello! That's a great way to raise awareness for and debunk myths about their cause as well as the cause of many other homeless folks around the country. I'd rather see the money going to the homeless than temp goons hired to promote the hell out of so-called disruption. If you consider the alternative, it's a great idea.
BBH Creates ‘Homeless Hotspots’ for SXSWi - AgencySpy |