In other words, this is very sensitive stuff because it gets into the America's first amendment.
But if you go from the initial crime, Private Manning charged with the crime of stealing these classified documents, he gives them to WIKILEAKS, I certainly believe that that's a -- WIKILEAKS has violated the Espionage Act. But then what about the news organizations including The Times that accepted it and distributed it? I know they say they deleted some of it, but I'm not here to make a final judgment on that. But to me New York Times has committed at least an act of bad citizenship. And whether they've committed a crime, I think that bears very intensive inquiry by the justice department. And, again, why do you prosecute crimes? Because if you don't, well, first you do because that's what our system of justice requires. Second, if you don't prosecute people who commit crimes, others are going to do it soon and again. And I'm afraid that's what's going to happen here.