Balkinization: What the Dems DID save in the FISA capitulation
Topic: Miscellaneous
2:24 pm EDT, Jun 20, 2008
Interesting point from the thread:
Nancy Pelosi did remove one joker from the deck, quite pointedly: the PAA's Orwellian definition of "electronic surveillance" to exclude the electronic surveillance it authorized. (No, this is not a typo.)
This created a hole so vast that it appeared that even the PAA's lame procedures were not mandatory for the new surveillance but only an option that could be bypassed.
Back in March, in rebuffing the attempted ram-through of the Senate bill, Pelosi denounced the subterfuge in the strongest terms, calling it "very important" to notice and to keep out of the next FISA amendment. She even put the point on parity with exclusivity. (It is her third and final point at 6:10:
The current bill is free of this piece of hucksterism. I was pleased to see the House get on top of the issue, call it out explicitly, and stay focused on its expungement.
Looking at the new bill, I come away with two lessons. It is never a waste of time to call out a travesty; and if it's not one thing, it's another.